Medicaid Works: A Review of How Public Insurance Protects the Health and Finances of Children and Vulnerable Populations
Resource type: Research Report
Leighton Ku and Christine Ferguson |
This report, commissioned by First Focus and funded by Atlantic, describes the success of Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) in increasing health insurance coverage among children; strengthening access to medical, health and developmental services; and safeguarding the finances of low-income families and individuals.
It also explores the potential impact of the fiscal year 2012 budget resolution approved by the House of Representatives, which would transform Medicaid essentially into a block grant. Such a proposal would end Medicaid as we know it – causing states to reduce enrolment, limit benefits, cut provider payments, and shift more costs onto the children and families who rely on public programmes.
First Focus is an Atlantic grantee.
> Full report