Atlantic’s Final Big Bets
Several years before our closure in 2020, we made a series of significant grants to address 21st-century problems and produce lasting results in fields and places where we had worked for a long time. These culminating “big bets” build upon our 35 years of program investments, and many will outlive Atlantic.

View our final big bets
Atlantic Fellows® Program
The Atlantic Fellows program empowers catalytic communities of emerging leaders to advance fairer, healthier, more inclusive societies.
Through the seven global interconnected programs, with support from the Atlantic Institute, Fellows collaborate to understand and address root causes of pressing problems.
Video: Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health
Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health
Improving brain health and reducing the impact of dementia worldwide.
Based at the Global Brain Health Institute
Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity in South Africa
Building a healthier, more equal South Africa.
Based at TEKANO
Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity in Southeast Asia
Creating a community for health equity in Southeast Asia.
Based at the Equity Initiative at CMB Foundation
Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity
Building global leaders to combat health disparities and promote equity.
Based at the George Washington University Health Workforce Institute
Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity
Building just and equitable communities in the U.S. and South Africa.
Based at Columbia University and the Nelson Mandela Foundation
Atlantic Fellows for Social Equity
Harnessing Indigenous knowledge and ingenuity for social impact.
Based at the University of Melbourne
Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity
Working toward real-world solutions to global inequalities.
Based at the International Inequalities Institute at the London School of Economics
The Atlantic Institute
Supporting the global network of Atlantic Fellows throughout their careers with resources and opportunities to connect, exchange ideas and further develop their skills as leaders and changemakers.
Based at the Rhodes Trust
More Major Concluding Grants
We also made a series of other major investments in our final years to advance opportunity and promote equity and dignity. Here are highlights of this work and the people and organizations doing it.
Video: A Major Milestone for Dementia in Ireland: A National Strategy
A National Strategy for Dementia
A partnership with government in the Republic of Ireland, the goal is to implement a national dementia strategy to 1) increase awareness 2) promote early diagnosis and intervention and 3) develop enhanced community-based services.
Video: Introducing the Social Change Initiative
The Social Change Initiative
With a focus on divided societies, SCI seeks to improve the effectiveness of activism for social change.
Video: Stephen McConnell on the Civic Participation Action Fund
The Civic Participation Action Fund
The Fund enables advocates in the United States to make the democratic system work better for those who are systemically denied opportunity because of their race, ethnicity or socioeconomic status.
Delivering Social Change
A partnership with government in Northern Ireland to deliver improved services for parents, children, and for people with dementia and their carers.
Video: Linked Learning: Connecting the Classroom to Careers
Linked Learning in Oakland
To transform education for students in Oakland, California, the program integrates rigorous academics with health career-based learning and real-world workplace experiences.
Video: How the Center on Budget Will Shape the Future
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Through its Policy Futures initiative, the Center focuses on medium- and long-term policy challenges, particularly the link between budget choices and the need to boost economic security and opportunity for low- and moderate-income individuals and families.