Results List
Values, Ethics, and Work Program
Grantee: Keuka College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $5,000
Faculty Fellows-in-Residence Program
Grantee: Cornell University - Office of Academic Programs & Campus Af
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $72,000
Faculty Fellows-in-Residence Program
Grantee: Cornell University - Office of Academic Programs & Campus Af
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $25,000
Enhancement of CSFA’s East Coast Operation
Grantee: ScholarshipAmerica
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $100,000
Graduate Research Assistants
Grantee: Johns Hopkins Univ./Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth
Grant amount: $198,600
Values and Ethics Program
Grantee: Duke Univ./Center for the Study of Aging & Human Development
Grant amount: $5,000
The Cornell Tradition
Grantee: Cornell University - The Cornell Tradition
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $800,000
Cornell Club
Grantee: Cornell University - Office of Alumni Affairs
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $5,000
History of Cornell Athletics
Grantee: Cornell University
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $100,000
Philanthropy Program
Grantee: Independent Sector
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $5,000
Public Service Internship Program
Grantee: Ithaca College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $100,000
Capital Project
Grantee: Cornell University
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $22,000
Project Ezra
Grantee: Cornell University - Project Ezra
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $150,000
Pilot Programs to Improve Admissions
Grantee: Cornell University - Admissions Office
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $5,000
Gerontology Program
Grantee: Ithaca College
Grant amount: $100,000
Core Support
Grantee: Student Agencies Foundation
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $10,000
Public Relations
Grantee: Cornell University - Office of University Relations
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $135,000
Project Ezra
Grantee: Cornell University - Project Ezra
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $150,000
Building Renovation
Grantee: West Side Y House
Grant amount: $25,000
Grantee: Ithaca College
Grant amount: $50,000
Graduate Student Abroad Program
Grantee: Cornell University - Graduate School
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $30,000
Internships for Faculty
Grantee: Ithaca College
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $25,000
Travel Award
Grantee: Cornell University - Office of Public Affairs
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $2,800
President’s Minority Summer Research Exchange Program
Grantee: Cornell University - Graduate School
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $76,800
Alumni Network
Grantee: Cornell University
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $10,000
Travel Award
Grantee: Committee for Education, Inc.
Grant amount: $18,000
Reach for Rochester Program
Grantee: University of Rochester
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $100,000
Project Literacy
Grantee: Education Commission of the States/Campus Compact
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $132,000
Values and Ethics Professor
Grantee: Cornell University - Ethics and Public Life
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $700,000
Cornell Club Building Acquisition
Grantee: Cornell University - Cornell Club of New York
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $7,000,000
Summer Program Scholarships
Grantee: Johns Hopkins University/Center for Talented Youth
Grant amount: $5,000
Grantee: New York University School of Law/Tax Seminar for Government
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $55,000
Scholarship Progam
Grantee: Florida International University Foundation
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $65,000
Beebe Lake Restoration
Grantee: Cornell University - Beebe Lake/Alumni Admissions Center
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $500,000
Urban Anthropology Project
Grantee: Syracuse University
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $37,607
Staff Expansion
Grantee: Cornell University - Jack Meakem
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $107,183
Staff Expansion
Grantee: Cornell University - Jack Meakem
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $112,413
Computer Room
Grantee: Cornell University - Office of Academic Programs & Campus Af
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $5,000
Travel Award
Grantee: Cornell University - Johnson Graduate School of Management
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $622
Grantee: New York University School of Law/Tax Seminar for Government
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $100,000
Financial Aid Workshops
Grantee: Independent College Fund of New York, Inc.
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $5,000
Pilot Program
Grantee: Cornell University
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $5,000
Leadership Development
Grantee: Cornell University - Office of the Provost
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $2,000
Program Support
Grantee: National Executive Service Corps.
Theme: Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy
Grant amount: $5,000
Capital Campaign
Grantee: Cornell University
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $4,000,000
Computer Purchase
Grantee: Cornell University - Office of Public Affairs
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $2,853
Annual Campaign
Grantee: U.S.A. Men's Volleyball Association
Grant amount: $32,000
Travel Award
Grantee: Cornell University - Johnson Graduate School of Management
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $2,398
Travel Award
Grantee: Cornell University - Office of Alumni Affairs
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $2,000
Financial Aid Outreach
Grantee: Cornell University - Financial Aid Office
Theme: Higher Education
Grant amount: $25,000