Results List
Lifecourse Institute
Grantee: Galway University Foundation
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $1,929,150
Age Friendly Cities and Counties Initiative
Grantee: Ireland’s Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme Ltd
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $2,529,299
European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012
Grantee: Ageing Well Network
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $259,640
Ageing Well Network
Grantee: Ageing Well Network
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $2,021,810
Ageing Well Network (Phase III) Incorporating Age Friendly County Regional Roll-out
Grantee: Ageing Well Network
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $2,688,448
Cross Programme Initiative: Renewal and Regeneration across the Lifecourse in Limerick City
Grantee: University of Limerick Foundation
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $1,328,649
Age Friendly Environments International Planning and Workshop Seminar
Grantee: Ageing Well Network
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $43,376
Lifecycle Institute
Grantee: Galway University Foundation
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $3,773,374
Louth Age Friendly County Initiative (LAFCI – Phase I)
Grantee: Age Friendly County Alliance Limited
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $744,023
Implementation of prevention services in Limerick city
Grantee: University of Limerick Foundation
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $292,100
Development of 6 Position Papers to inform National Ageing Strategy for Older People
Grantee: Ageing Well Network
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $124,432
Extension of the Ageing Well Network
Grantee: Ageing Well Network
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $1,095,147
Establishment of a Knowledge Sharing Community in the Ageing Sector
Grantee: Anne Connolly Consulting Ltd
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $250,778
To create a more cohesive, collaborative and responsive ageing sector by developing a Leaders Learning Network.
Grantee: Ageing Well Network
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $1,124,654
Consultancy services.
Grantee: Anne Connolly Consulting Ltd
Theme: Age-Friendly Communities & Policies
Grant amount: $101,736
Viewing 1-15 of 15