More than 500 demand Obama’s family to stop deportation of their parents
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Casa de Maryland | [ View Original Source (opens in new window) ]
(Press Release dispatched on 27 July 2010) Washington DC – U.S citizen children suffering from family destruction caused by the broken immigration system will come to Washington on July 28th to surround the White House in a wave of suffering. Calling on the President to provide relief, the group will gather in front of the White House for speeches and prayer, and then the children will conduct an “Open Conversation with America” in the park about how their lives are affected by the failed immigration system. The President and his family have been invited to join this meeting.
Participants will call on the President to provide immediate and temporary relief to millions of undocumented parents, workers, and neighbors and to stop ICE from operating immigration enforcement through local authorities with programs such as 287g and Secure Communities.
“Too many of us have suffered for too long because our parents have been arrested, are in detention, or have been deported. President Obama has not kept his promise to us. He has forgotten us and we don’t understand why. So we will come to Washington and march to his home to meet with him and his family to talk about our families,” said Kyle, a 15 year old U.S. citizen whose sister was killed in Iraq two years ago and is fighting together with his U.S. citizen mom to save a father who is in deportation proceedings.
Children are expected to attend the event coming places as distant as Florida to New York to Chicago to Houston to South Carolina, and more.