Results List
The Role of Migrant Care Workers in Ageing Societies: Report on Research Findings in the U.K., Ireland, Canada and the U.S.
Source: International Organization for Migration
Migrants play an increasingly significant role in caring for the elderly due to a growing number of older people and declining domestic labour supplies, according to this report in the IOM Migration Research Series. It examines the demand for migrant care workers; compares the experiences…
Resource type: Research Report
Living in Limbo: Migrant’s Experiences of Applying for Naturalisation in Ireland
Source: Immigrant Council of Ireland
This report by the Immigrant Council of Ireland, in collaboration with Nasc, details the current experience of migrants applying for Irish citizenship. For the report they interviewed migrants navigating the system, outlined the legislative and administrative application process for granting or refusing long-term residence or…
Resource type: Research Report
Promoting Dignity, Equality and Opportunity for All People
In October 2008, days before the U.S. presidential election, the American Constitution Society released “Human Rights at Home: A Domestic Policy Blueprint for the New Administration.” The Blueprint addresses “the gap between the promise and practice” of human rights in the United States and proposes…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Amplifying the Voices of Families Who Need Change the Most
“Real social change has to be built from the ground up through the participation of millions of people speaking in their own voices,” says Deepak Bhargava, Executive Director of the 40-year-old Center for Community Change (CCC). To ensure that policymakers hear the voices of low-income…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Musina Legal Advice Office
The United Reform Church in Musina, South Africa, has provided a safe haven for refugees coming into the country from Zimbabwe. Most of the women refugees there were either tortured by Zimbabwean security forces or raped while crossing the border, and the church provided them…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Interview with EPIM Chair Ms Juliet Prager
In this video Ms. Juliet Prager gives an overview of EPIM, the European Programme for Integration and Migration, which was initiated in 2005 by a group of foundations from different European countries. It aims to strengthen the role played by NGOs active on migration and integration…
Resource type: Video
European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM)
Source: The European Programme for Integration and Migration
These case studies raise awareness about EPIM-supported programmes that provide ideas, practices and examples of how to be successful at handling the many challenges related to the integration of migrants in European societies. EPIM is an Atlantic grantee.
Resource type: Case Study
Reasons for Optimism on Immigration and Progressive Reform
In October 2010, award-winning journalist Bill Moyers moderated a discussion between Gara LaMarche, President of The Atlantic Philanthropies, and Deepak Bhargava, Executive Director of the Campaign for Community Change about the road ahead for progressives in the current political climate, and the connection between philanthropy…
Resource type: Video
How Can Progressives Overcome Big Money & Big Media?
In October 2010, award-winning journalist Bill Moyers moderated a discussion between Atlantic’s President Gara LaMarche and Deepak Bhargava, the Executive Director of the Campaign for Community Change about the road ahead for progressives in the current political climate, and the connection between philanthropy and social justice advocacy. The event,…
Resource type: Video
Moyers, LaMarche, Bhargava: Towards Progressive Reform
Bill Moyers Interviews Gara LaMarche and Deepak Bhargava: Working Towards Progressive Reform and Social Justice 19 October 2010 Nearly twenty-one months after the inauguration of Barack Obama, the social justice movement – and its funders – are at a crossroads. Is there still momentum for progressive…
Resource type: Video