Results List
Catalytic Philanthropy: Investing in Policy Advocacy
Source: PhilanTopic (Philanthropy News Digest)
Philanthropy News Digest's blog PhilanTopic named The Atlantic Philanthropies as an organization that has made policy advocacy a cornerstone of its philanthropic strategy in its post on why policy advocacy is one of the most important tools needed to drive social change: Policy advocacy -- a…
Resource type: News
Empower people to help themselves
Source: Philanthropy SA
By Jay Naidoo. I WOULD like to recommend that we think of philanthropy not simply as a means of "giving back", but as a means of 'giving forward'. Taken this way, philanthropy can be seen as a means to promote the stability of African society…
Resource type: News
Five Social Innovators in Encore Careers Win $100,000 Purpose Prize
Source: Encore Careers / Civic Ventures
The Purpose Prize and Civic Ventures are Atlantic grantees. SAN FRANCISCO - This year's winners of The Purpose Prize, a $100,000 award for social innovators in their encore careers, are using a new stage of life to do extraordinary things to improve life for millions…
Resource type: News