Results List
How Do We Keep Obama's Youth Mobilized?
Source: The American Prospect
Original Source Barack Obama's campaign politicized and organized more youth than any campaign has in recent history. The Prospect asked nine organizers, writers, and thinkers at the forefront of progressivism and youth activism to suggest one way of incorporating these youth into the progressive movement.…
Resource type: News
The Global Financial Crisis and Philanthropy: Altering Course in a Perfect Storm
Source: Gara LaMarche
The roots of the global financial crisis, and the paths out of it, are matters for debate. But what no one disputes is that the landscape in which foundations like Atlantic are working has been dramatically altered, and likely will be for some time to…
Resource type: News
Maria Pignataro Nielsen Appointed Human Resources Director at The Atlantic Philanthropies
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Maria Pignataro Nielsen has been appointed Director of Human Resources at The Atlantic Philanthropies, effective immediately, President and CEO Gara LaMarche announced today. Nielsen will be responsible for developing and executing global HR strategies and programs that will enhance the foundation’s organizational performance while supporting…
Resource type: News
What Does Collaborative Donor Practice Look Like?
Source: Resourcing Philanthropy
By Gillian Mitchell, Gabrielle Ritchie and Melanie Judge Collaboration is a non-profit and funding term that is increasingly used to refer to good organisational and donor practice. “Collaboration teaches us to leave our strategies at the door and to come together collectively to decide what’s best…
Resource type: News
Bold Advocacy: How Atlantic Philanthropies Funded a Movement
Source: GrantCraft
By Naomi Rothwell The dramatic story of the recent American health care reform movement – and how foundations had a hand in changing history – has not been widely told. Starting in 2008, Atlantic Philanthropies and others helped fund an extraordinary campaign to push for…
Resource type: News
The Atlantic Philanthropies Appoint Christopher Oechsli as Interim CEO
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
NEW YORK, NY, June 27, 2011 – The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Board of Directors today announced that its Transition Committee has selected Christopher Oechsli as Interim President and Chief Executive Officer. The Board announced earlier this month that President and CEO Gara LaMarche did not intend…
Resource type: News
Are Well-Off Progressives Standing in the Way of a Real Movement for Economic Justice?
Source: AlterNet
By Alyssa BattistoniMany progressives are affluent and well-educated. Does their elite status stand in the way of a movement to fight attacks on the working class?Over the past few years, it’s become an article of faith among progressives that we’re living through a second Gilded…
Resource type: News
It’s Time to End Zero Tolerance in Schools: A Call To Action
Source: Gara LaMarche
It is too early to know whether the current wave of school reforms in the United States will lead to lasting improvements in student achievement. But it is not too early to note that many of these reforms have a troubling consequence: a doubling-down on…
Resource type: News
Securing Affordable Health Care for All Americans
Today, nearly 50 million Americans have no health care coverage, those with insurance frequently do not get the care they need, and the ill are often shut out of the system. Health Care for America Now (HCAN) is campaigning to pass legislation in 2009 that…
Resource type: Grantee Story
First Anniversary of Health Care Reform: A Look Forward and Back
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
One year ago on 23 March 2010, President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law, culminating a tireless campaign by Health Care for America Now (HCAN), funded in part by The Atlantic Philanthropies. In honour of health care reform’s first…
Resource type: News