Results List
A Moment for Progressive Change in America: How Can We Make the Most of It?
Source: Gara LaMarche
Now that we know that Barack Obama will take the office of President of the United States on January 20, the scenario planning that virtually all non-profits and philanthropies have been doing can kick into high gear. My e-mail inbox, and no doubt yours, is…
Resource type: News
Americans of All Ages Are Ready for Citizen Service: Are Politicians Ready to Lead Them?
Source: Gara LaMarche
This morning Senators John McCain and Barack Obama suspended their intense competition for the Presidency to visit Ground Zero in lower Manhattan, in tribute to those who lost their lives on a brilliantly sunny New York morning seven years ago today. And tonight they will…
Resource type: News
Coalition Launches New Campaign for Quality, Affordable Health Care for All
Source: Health Care for America Now!
Washington, DC- July 8, 2008Today in Washington, DC and 52 cities across the country, including 38 state capitals, a new national campaign is bringing together millions of Americans to demand quality, affordable health care for all. Health Care for America Now (HCAN) is being launched…
Resource type: News
Integrated Education: Essential to a Shared Future in Northern Ireland
Source: Gara LaMarche
Last week in Belfast, on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the Good Friday peace agreement, I sat down with Tina Merron and Sam Fitzsimmons, who are among the leaders of a bold effort to ensure that Catholics and Protestants in this long-contested region…
Resource type: News
Middle School in the U.S.: Too Often the Missing Link in the Chain of Student Success
Source: Gara LaMarche
The familiar sounds of the famous Mexican songs “Cielito Lindo” and “Los Machetes” filled the air last Wednesday morning at Orozco Community Academy in Chicago, as eighth grader Adan Ramirsez strummed his guitarron with fellow students in the school’s new Mariachi band before an invited…
Resource type: News
Atlantic Philanthropies Awards $18 Million for Chicago Middle-School Initiative
Source: Philanthropy News Digest
Atlantic Philanthropies has announced a four-year, $18 million grant to support a five-school effort designed to help middle school students in the Chicago Public School system succeed in high school and graduate. Chicago is one of up to four sites nationwide selected to participate in…
Resource type: News
$18 Million Grant Supports Chicago Middle-School Students
Source: PNN Online
To increase the success of middle-school students in Chicago and bolster their chances of graduating high school, The Atlantic Philanthropies, an international foundation with a focus on children and youth, will award a major grant to support a five-school effort over four years. The grant…
Resource type: News
Atlantic Grantees in Texas Work to End a Lethal Lottery
Source: Gara LaMarche
When I arrived in Austin, Texas, the day after Labor Day in 1984 to take up my post as Executive Director of the Texas state branch of the American Civil Liberties Union, a 30-year old Yankee who’d never set foot in the state before my…
Resource type: News
Atlantic’s Approach to Evaluation: What Is Important to Learn, and How Do We Put It to Use?
Source: Gara LaMarche
When I was named President of Atlantic last year, I doubt that a rousing chorus of cheers went up in the offices of the American Evaluation Association. Atlantic takes evaluation very seriously, but in my philanthropic and activist life before coming here, I didn’t have…
Resource type: News
Correcting Bush's Math on Afterschool for Kids
Source: Gara LaMarche
From time to time, Atlantic Currents will be written by my colleagues at Atlantic and by the staff of organisations we support. This week, two programme executives with Atlantic’s U.S. Children & Youth Programme, Nicole Gallant and Marisha Wignaraja, share their thoughts about the importance…
Resource type: News