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Results List
ITNAmerica Awarded $3.45 Million Grant for National Development
Source: ITNAmerica
ITNAmerica Awarded $3.45 Million Grant for National Development. 90 Bridge Street Westbrook, Maine 04092. Westbrook- ITNAmerica, the national non-profit organization with a mission to support the replication of Greater Portland's Independent Transportation Network® (ITN), will receive a $3.45 million grant from The Atlantic Philanthropies to…
Resource type: News
Volunteers take the driver's seat
Source: USA Today
When Virginia James decided she was too old to drive, the 92-year-old resident of Portland, Maine, looked for a new way to get around. She came across the Independent Transportation Network (ITN), which began in Portland in 1995. It brings together volunteer drivers, donated cars…
Resource type: News
Collaborating on Transportation for Older Adults Across Geographies
In October, Atlantic funded a U.S. study tour for representatives from Bermudian and Irish charitable organisations intended to expose them to creative transportation solutions for older adults. In addition to addressing transportation needs, the study tour also addressed effective strategies for building and maintaining collaborations…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Keeping Older Adults On the Move
One of the major obstacles to older adults’ participation in society is their lack of access to activities outside their homes. Also, older drivers face the highest fatal crash rate of any age group in the country. Not surprisingly, an estimated one million people age…
Resource type: Grantee Story
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