Human Rights & Reconciliation Delivering on Democracy
With Rights and Protections For All
South Africa | 1994 - 2015
Following the end of South Africa’s oppressive apartheid policies, Atlantic helped the nation make a transition to democracy. It focused on:
- Supporting activists working to ensure the country lived up to the rights and protections promised in the country’s new Constitution. Adopted in 1996, the Constitution was hailed as the most progressive of any democracy in the world.
- Helping the country preserve and tell the history of the struggles to end apartheid. Collecting, sharing and openly discussing painful events from the past can contribute significantly to achieving long‐lasting reconciliation.
Creating a Future Filled With Freedom and Possibilities
Here are some of the ways Atlantic grantees focused on creating a new society based on democratic values.

Winning the Right to Say “I Do”
Litigation initiated by the Lesbian and Gay Equality Project led to a Constitutional Court ruling in favor of gay marriage.

Preserving the Record
To preserve the findings of the largest survey of human rights violations in history, Atlantic funded Traces of Truth, a non-commercial digital archive of the materials from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Pressing Their Case
The South African National Editors Forum and the Right2Know Campaign pressured the government to abandon plan for a Media Appeals Tribunal, which would have compromised the independence of the press.
The Things Worth Championing
Summaries of Case Studies, Evaluations & Reports
South Africa
The story of Atlantic’s $422 million investments in South Africa to improve and transform health and higher education.
Resource type: Insight
Strategic Litigation
The story of how Atlantic grantees around the world used strategic litigation to advance human rights and equality both in the courts of law and public opinion.
Resource type: Insight
Book: Public interest litigation and social change in South Africa: Strategies, tactics and lessons
In 2007, The Atlantic Philanthropies approached two legal practitioners, Gilbert Marcus SC and Steven Budlender, to conduct an evaluation of public interest litigation in South Africa, following The Atlantic Philanthropies’ substantial investment in the field. The resulting report – A strategic evaluation of public interest litigation…
Resource type: Research Report
Joining Forces for the Poor: Alliance Building for Social Justice in South Africa
Source: National Alliance for the Development of Community Advice Offices
The National Alliance for the Development of Community Advice Offices (NADCAO) is a fairly new joint initiative between non-governmental organisations and donors in South Africa. NADCAO aims to strengthen the country’s crises-ridden community advice office sector and increase access to justice for poor and marginalised…
Resource type: Case Study
Striking the Rights Chord: Perspectives on Advancement from Human Rights Organisations in South Africa
Source: Inyathelo: The South African Institute for Advancement
When a major funder exits a field, its absence can sometimes prove extremely challenging to the civil society organisations it has supported. As a limited life foundation, The Atlantic Philanthropies are supporting projects to contribute to a growing body of knowledge that positions nonprofit organisations…
Resource type: Research Report
Guns and Roses: Advocacy in an Emerging Democracy
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
This publication is an attempt to distil the learnings from three important books that were published during 2009 and which provide valuable insights into doing advocacy in an emerging constitutional democracy in South Africa. Written by Marian Nell & Janet Shapiro for The Atlantic Philanthropies…
Resource type: Case Study
No Place by the Fire: The Story of South African Ex-Combatants and the National Peace Accord Trust
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
During the political negotiations for a democratic South Africa and in the formative years following the first free and fair elections in 1994, a crucial group of people were largely overlooked—the estimated 80,000 ex-combatants who had fought to end the country’s apartheid system. This report…
Resource type: Case Study
South African Civil Society and Xenophobia
Source: Strategy & Tactics
This comprehensive 500-page report, coordinated by Strategy & Tactics, was written by some of South Africa's leading social and political scientists as well as civil society activists. The report analyses the conditions that allowed xenophobic violence to erupt in South Africa in May 2008, leaving…
Resource type: Research Report
What We’ve Learned: Lessons from a Communications Campaign for South Africa’s Rural Poor
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
This publication focuses on using communications to advance human rights for South Africa’s rural poor. We believe it will be useful for advocates, nonprofit organisations and funders in many countries interested in effectively elevating important human rights issues on the policy agendas of democratic societies.…
Resource type: Research Report
Towards Tolerance, Law, and Dignity: Addressing Violence against Foreign Nationals in South Africa
Source: International Organization for Migration
This report, funded by The Atlantic Philanthropies, presents research conducted for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) by the Forced Migration Studies Programme at the University of the Witwatersrand and funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID). The Forced Migration Studies Programme at the University of…
Resource type: Research Report
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