Health Health System Reform
Investing in a Healthy Future for All Americans
United States | 2006 - 2015
Although progress is being made, much work still needs to be done before all Americans—adults and children alike—will be able access quality and affordable health care.
To support reform efforts in the United States, and to help create a system that puts people and their health needs at the center, Atlantic made grants totaling nearly $200 million over 14 years. Our work included:
- helping win passage of the 2010 Affordable Care Act (ACA) with a major investment in a grassroots campaign that successfully made the case for health care reform
- supporting groups that enrolled children and young adults in health insurance plans, enabling them to get routine and preventative care—factors key to maintaining good health and being able to succeed in school and life
- ensuring that the ACA lives up to its promise by supporting its ongoing implementation and defending it from attacks
- investing in creating policies that put patients first and that create incentives to deliver health care more efficiently, boost quality and lower costs.
What We Learned From This Work
Atlantic made two key decisions that helped contribute to eventual passage of the Affordable Care Act: (1) agreeing to make a sizable investment—$27 million—in Health Care for America Now (HCAN), the group that led the grassroots campaign for health care reform; (2) funding HCAN as early as 2008 to provide sufficient time build a solid infrastructure for its advocacy campaign.
Legislative victory is not the goal. Funders need to stay engaged through the implementation process and invest in advocacy to ensure sound policy is put in place that represents the experiences and voices of the people it is trying to benefit.
Coalitions and resource hubs need a wide range of tools to help them advance positive change. Funders can play a major role in ensuring that grantees within the same state are working together and strengthening each other.
No Americans Should Be Left Uncovered
In pursuit of health coverage for all Americans, here is some of what Atlantic and its grantees achieved:

Prevailing in Court
In 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the majority of the ACA against a constitutional challenge and prior to the ruling Atlantic grantees filed a number of influential amicus briefs.

States Get the Message
Atlantic’s investment of $42.8 million for a “KidsWell” campaign contributed to states stepping up efforts to enroll low-income parents in health coverage made possible by passage of the ACA.

From Resistance to Victories
Several states that seemed intractably opposed to expanding Medicaid to make affordable coverage available to low-income individual reversed course thanks to ongoing advocacy efforts that Atlantic supported.
Here’s Who’s Helping Write the Next Chapter in This Continuing Story
Ongoing Coverage About Increasing Health Coverage
Summaries of Case Studies, Evaluations & Reports
How an Innovative Grant Catalyzed Investment Capital to Bring Health Care to Vulnerable Populations
Source: Arabella Advisors
This case study describes how Atlantic partnered with impact investing specialists at Arabella Advisors to help Vital Healthcare Capital (V-Cap), a community development financial institution. Atlantic’s grant enabled V-Cap to expand its capacity to support health care providers that serve low-income and vulnerable communities in the United…
Resource type: Case Study
The Path to a People-Centered Health System
Source: Community Catalyst
Millions of Americans now have access to health coverage and care, thanks to the Affordable Care Act. But the health care system in the United States is still notable for its variable quality, inefficiency, high costs, health inequities and lack of responsiveness to the needs…
Resource type: Research Report
Executive Summary of Findings and Lessons from the HCAN Campaign
Source: Grassroots Solutions and M+R Strategic Services
This overview provides the methodology and 12 major qualitative findings of the Health Care for America Now (HCAN) campaign evaluation. The campaign had the goal of winning affordable and comprehensive health care for all Americans. Prior to passage of the health care bill in 2010,…
Resource type: Evaluation
The Campaign for Better Care: Summary Evaluation Findings
Source: Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies
This evaluation of the Campaign for Better Care — an Atlantic-funded effort to include the voices and perspectives of vulnerable populations in health care so that it reflected their needs — found that although the foundation provided needed organizational support, resources are still limited in carrying…
Resource type: Evaluation
The State of Young America: Economic Barriers to the American Dream
Source: Demos and Young Invincibles
Today’s 20-somethings are the first generation, as a whole, to face downward economic mobility compared with their parents’ generation, according to a new report. While these “millenials” are the most technologically savvy, diverse and tolerant generation in history, their dreams are clouded by high student…
Resource type: Research Report
Medicaid Works: A Review of How Public Insurance Protects the Health and Finances of Children and Vulnerable Populations
Source: Leighton Ku and Christine Ferguson
This report, commissioned by First Focus and funded by Atlantic, describes the success of Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) in increasing health insurance coverage among children; strengthening access to medical, health and developmental services; and safeguarding the finances of low-income families and individuals.…
Resource type: Research Report
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Population Health
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Community Schools
Poverty, discrimination and lack of access to high-quality educational opportunities and healthcare hurt young people’s chances of future success. Community schools can help overcome those barriers.
Our grants focused on ensuring that people in their later years are economically secure, have access to affordable, high-quality health care and can make meaningful contributions to their communities.