Knowledge, Research & Innovation Higher Education
Innovative Places That Solve Real World Problems
Australia | Northern Ireland | Republic of Ireland | South Africa | United States | Viet Nam | 1983 - 2015
Atlantic invested in capital projects for higher education because of founder Chuck Feeney’s belief that brilliant, capable people who think big can achieve great things with the right support. At the same time, Atlantic supplemented those investments with grants for scholarships that made it possible for deserving students to benefit from the educational opportunities these institutions offered. Atlantic support also enabled many universities to attract renowned academics that helped them become world-class centers of learning.

Unleashing Human Capital
Atlantic's investments in higher education helped create new learning opportunities for students around the world.

Achieving Top Tier Status
Atlantic investments in a state-of-the-art Life Sciences Building helped University of the Western Cape in South Africa earn the ranking as first in research impact in biology and biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics and physics from the South African National Research Foundation .

Healthy Injection
In 2009, Atlantic provided $61 million for three buildings in Queensland—the Translational Research Institute, Queensland University of Technology and Queensland Institute of Medical Research (now QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute)—representing the single largest philanthropic gift to higher education and medical research in the history of Australia.

Seeding the Future
After making a grant to improve a Learning Resource Center at Da Nang University in Viet Nam, the foundation built four new ones. These centers, which are based on an open stack browsing model, also double as technology hubs with Internet and audiovisual capabilities, enabling students to seek information and become inquisitive learners.
Here’s Who’s Helping Write the Next Chapter in This Continuing Story
Summaries of Case Studies, Evaluations & Reports
The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Investments in Higher Education
Source: Susan Parker
This report summarizes Atlantic’s $2 billion investment to strengthen higher education in the United States, Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, South Africa, Viet Nam, and Australia over the course of 35 years. The report found that Atlantic’s funding for a range of initiatives – buildings,…
Resource type: Research Report
What Ambitious Donors Can Learn From The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Experience Making Big Bets
Source: The Bridgespan Group
This report analyzes 25 of Atlantic’s “big bet” grants—those over $10 million or more to a single organization or focused initiative—and highlights impact and lessons. The report also discusses what worked and some of the challenges the foundation, its grantees and partners faced. Atlantic President…
Resource type: Research Report
The story of Atlantic’s $368 million investments in Australia between 1998 and 2016 to grow the country’s biomedical research, bolster higher education, advance social equity and boost leadership capabilities in related sectors.
Resource type: Insight
Republic of Ireland
This book tells the story of how The Atlantic Philanthropies’ 30 years of investments had an extraordinary impact on the Republic of Ireland—from helping breathe life into the nation’s university system and its research capabilities, to supporting major advances in human rights, and spurring the…
Resource type: Insight
Northern Ireland
This book tells the story of Atlantic’s grantmaking in Northern Ireland, where it helped promote peace, reshape education, improve public services, and strengthen organizations to promote and protect people’s rights.
Resource type: Insight
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Cornell Tech
A $350 million Atlantic grant enabled Cornell University to build a New York City tech center that has become a magnet for world-class researchers, young entrepreneurs and business incubators.
University Research Across Ireland
Atlantic catalysed co-investment with government to support higher education and advanced research in the Republic of Ireland.
UCSF Mission Bay
Atlantic invested heavily in UCSF’s Mission Bay campus—providing $290 million in grants—which helped realize many of the buildings on the site.