Health Population Health
Investing for Healthy Outcomes
Cuba | South Africa | Viet Nam | 1999 - 2015
The health of a nation’s population rests on factors such as the availability and accessibility of care, quality training for medical providers, and public policies that promote healthy behavior. Atlantic helped Viet Nam, South Africa, and Cuba address those and other needs through its grantmaking. For example:
- In Viet Nam, Atlantic helped build or renovate hospitals in major cities as well as 940 community health clinics in eight provinces resulting in significant improvements in primary care for nine million Vietnamese. It also supported efforts to win passage of a new law requiring motorbike riders to wear helmets, which led to a dramatic drop in injuries and deaths. It also helped set up a factory to manufacture the helmets.
- In South Africa, Atlantic supported programs to train and place health care professionals where they could best provide for the primary care needs of South Africans – especially in rural areas. It also supported advocates to force the government to make antiretroviral medicine available to people with HIV/AIDS.
- In Cuba—a nation struggling to do a lot with a little—Atlantic’s grants helped provide additional resources needed to deliver the best possible health care to all citizens.
What We Learned From This Work
Investments in hospitals and clinics will only take a nation so far in helping to improve the health of its population. The doctors, nurses and other medical professionals who staff them must be properly trained to deliver quality care.
To instill a culture of health, it is important to invest in and support leaders and advocates who will be responsible for promoting policies and practices that result in better health outcomes for people.
When working on reforming a nation’s health care system, it is important to make government a co-funder at the start to ensure that public support for the work continues after the private funding ends.
Building for the Future

Strength in Numbers
Atlantic’s grants to Viet Nam’s Ha Noi School of Public Health supported development of its first four-year bachelor’s degree program in public health as well as a doctoral program. Over the years, the school conferred more than 1,700 bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degrees on graduates.

Making it Better
Atlantic investments helped improve education for students attending Havana-based Latin American Medical School (ELAM). The world’s largest medical school, ELAM specializes in training doctors, most from developing countries, to practice in underserved communities in their home countries.

A Healthy Boost
Atlantic support for South Africa’s Treatment Action Campaign resulted in the government substantially increasing public spending on HIV/AIDs and pressuring pharmaceutical companies to lower the price of antiretrovirals.
Here’s Who’s Helping Write the Next Chapter in This Continuing Story
The Atlantic Charitable Trust of England and Wales provided the majority of funding in Cuba.
When Health Care Works, People and Nations Benefit
Summaries of Case Studies, Evaluations & Reports
The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Investments in Community-Based Health Care
Source: Susan Parker
This report shares the story, strategies and impact of Atlantic’s $452 million investment to support and strengthen community-based health care in Viet Nam, South Africa, Cuba, and the United States (U.S.) from 2004-2016. It offers a number of learnings centered around taking a systems-based approach…
Resource type: Research Report
Innovations That Have Transformed the Health System in South Africa
Source: Irwin Friedman
This report describes the impact of Atlantic’s $178 million investment to improve population health in South Africa from 2004 to 2016. In the early 2000s, South Africa was gripped by quadruple epidemics: (1) escalating HIV and AIDS infections and deaths; (2) maternal and child disease;…
Resource type: Research Report
Working Toward a Healthy Vietnam: Key Policy Messages From the VASS-SSRC Project
Source: Social Science Research Council
Vietnamese Version HÀNH ĐỘNG HƯỚNG ĐẾN MỘT VIỆT NAM KHỎE MẠNH: THÔNG ĐIỆP CHÍNH SÁCH CHÍNH YẾU CỦA DỰ ÁN VASS-SSRC (PDF) This brief provides key policy messages based on a large-scale longitudinal study from 2008 to 2016 in twelve communes in three Vietnamese provinces…
Resource type: Research Report
Strengthening Commune Health Centers in Vietnam
Source: Hy V. Luong, University of Toronto
Vietnamese Version Tăng Cường Các Trạm Y Tế tại Việt Nam: Đánh Giá Tác Động Của Tổ Chức The Atlantic Philanthropies từ năm 2008 đến 2016 (PDF) This report assesses the impact of investments in rural health care in Viet Nam by The Atlantic Philanthropies,…
Resource type: Research Report
What Makes for an Effective Commune Health Center?
Source: Social Science Research Council
Vietnamese Version Điều gì tạo nên một trạm y tế hiệu quả? Đánh giá các yếu tố chính (PDF) This report, based on the main findings from a large-scale longitudinal study of rural health care in Viet Nam from 2008 to 2016, aims to develop…
Resource type: Research Report
Viet Nam’s Helmet Story and Its Place in the Work on Global Road Traffic Safety
Source: Social Science Research Council
In 2007, a life-saving law in Viet Nam mandated that people riding motorbikes wear helmets. The result was a significant decrease in serious head injuries and road traffic deaths. This report provides an update to the 2010 report on the results of the helmet law, and…
Resource type: Research Report
Transforming Global Health Through Hope, Health, Action and Knowledge: Lessons from the Largest Continuing Education Programme in Public Health in Africa
Source: Marian Jacobs
This report describes how with support from The Atlantic Philanthropies, the School of Public Health at the University of Western Cape (UWC) became a leading training institution for practitioners who today are advancing health equity in South Africa. Prior to the formal establishment of the…
Resource type: Research Report
Social Justice Journalism: Lessons from Health-e News
Source: Barbara Klugman
This report examines how quality advocacy journalism from Health-e News, a South African nonprofit news service focused on the country’s delivery of public health services, is helping advance the goal of achieving a healthy, equitable and just nation. Health-e News, which was founded in 1999, came to prominence…
Resource type: Research Report
Membership-Based Organizations in Constitutional Democracies: Lessons from the Treatment Action Campaign
Source: Barbara Klugman, in conversation with Treatment Action Campaign national and Eastern Cape office-bearers and staff
Anyone interested in learning about the power of grass roots activism will find valuable lessons in this report about the experiences of the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), the South African activist group that forced the government to make antiretroviral treatment available for all HIV-positive citizens and…
Resource type: Research Report
Enhancing Funders’ and Advocates’ Effectiveness: The Processes Shaping Collaborative Advocacy for Health System Accountability in South Africa
Source: The Foundation Review
This Foundation Review article, authored by by Barbara Klugman and Waasila Jassat, examines five Atlantic-supported advocacy efforts designed to improve access to quality health care for all South Africans and reduce health inequities across the country. [caption id="attachment_76646" align="aligncenter" width="650"] Atlantic supported five organizations that, individually and sometimes collaboratively, advocated…
Resource type: Research Report
Dissecting Human Capital
Source: Tony Proscio, Duke University Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society
When Atlantic invested in wide-ranging reform of Viet Nam's public health and primary health care systems, it set out first and foremost to fill a leadership gap — that is, to find, train, equip and extend the influence of the country’s brightest, most skilled and…
Resource type: Research Report
First, Treat the System: The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Effort to Promote Health and Equity in Viet Nam
Source: Tony Proscio, Duke University Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society
Atlantic’s efforts to improve public health and primary health care in Viet Nam are benefiting the country’s 80 million people, according to this new report. The scope of work has resulted in replicable models of care in urban centres and rural provinces. While less than…
Resource type: Research Report
Helmet Day! Lessons Learned on Vietnam’s Road to Healthy Behavior
Source: The Social Science Research Council
This report, produced by the Social Science Research Council, covers the history and lessons from an eight-year effort that resulted in a national law mandating helmet use by motorcycle riders. Results showed decreases in serious head injuries and road traffic deaths. The research provides a…
Resource type: Evaluation
Pre-Intervention Assessments of Primary Health Care and Prevention Services in Viet Nam
Source: Population Council
The results of a commune-level study of health care services in Khanh Hoa and Da Nang provinces in Viet Nam are examined in this report by the Population Council, prepared for The Atlantic Philanthropies.
Resource type: Research Report
Assessment of Atlantic Philanthropies’ Support for the Health Sector in Viet Nam: 1998–2003
Source: Thomas Kane
The Atlantic Philanthropies-supported construction and renovation projects of hospitals and other facilities in Central Viet Nam have had a positive impact on the medical staff, patients and families receiving services, according to this evaluation commissioned by Atlantic. This assessment reviews 17 health-sector projects, covering the…
Resource type: Evaluation
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