Knowledge, Research & Innovation University Research Across Ireland
Formula for Excellence: Grand Vision and Big Bets
Republic of Ireland | Northern Ireland | 1996-2006
Guided by founder Chuck Feeney’s vision, Atlantic made a number of investments over the years designed to strengthen university systems in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
But of all of them, the Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions (PRTLI), stands apart for two reasons.
First, Feeney personally got then Prime Minister Bertie Ahern to agree that the Irish government would be a co-funder with Atlantic. As he told Ahern, “Look, frankly you’ve got to invest in research.”
Second, the program went beyond helping turn seven Irish universities and the Royal College of Surgeons into international quality research institutions. It also contributed to the prosperity of Ireland by fostering the growth of a knowledge economy.
Based on PRTLI’s success in the Republic of Ireland, Atlantic launched a similar collaboration with the government in Northern Ireland called Support Programme for University Research (SPUR).
Brightening the Research Landscape
Atlantic contributed $262 million to PRTLI and the government provided $1.3 billion. Here are some results:

Big Return on Investment
According to a 2011 independent study by PA Consulting, PRTLI has resulted in a direct commercial return on investment of €1.8 billion ($2.4 billion), in addition to significant research infrastructure, jobs and indirect economic benefits.

Boom in Buildings and Jobs
PRTLI provided for approximately 1.1 million square feet of new research facilities, 46 research institutions or programs, 1,000 research positions and 1,600 new postgraduate positions.

Competition for the Greater Good
Unlike more conventional research funding, academic institutions taking part in PRTLI and SPUR selected their own research strategies, not the government or Atlantic, helping create a culture of strategic research planning at all participating institutions.
An Investment in Strong Universities and Leaders
An Investment in Knowledge
Atlantic’s investments in Ireland’s universities grew out of Chuck Feeney’s belief they would help the country develop a knowledge economy needed to compete in the world. While not averse to making big bets, in this case the fact that Ireland had some excellent heads of universities mitigated the risks. He was right: those people built PRTLI into an initiative that produces world class research and PhDs.
Summaries of Case Studies, Evaluations & Reports
Republic of Ireland
This book tells the story of how The Atlantic Philanthropies’ 30 years of investments had an extraordinary impact on the Republic of Ireland—from helping breathe life into the nation’s university system and its research capabilities, to supporting major advances in human rights, and spurring the…
Resource type: Insight
Northern Ireland
This book tells the story of Atlantic’s grantmaking in Northern Ireland, where it helped promote peace, reshape education, improve public services, and strengthen organizations to promote and protect people’s rights.
Resource type: Insight
Investment in Knowledge
Source: Frank H.T. Rhodes & John R. Healy
This case study describes a co-operation between The Atlantic Philanthropies and the Irish Government aimed at strengthening the capacity of Irish universities to undertake basic research of international quality.
Resource type: Case Study
Ten Years On: Confirming Impacts from Research Investment
Source: PA Consulting Group
This report finds that the Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions was pivotal in stimulating the development of research performance in universities across the Republic of Ireland. Authors of the study note that the programme put in place research infrastructure, built basic research capability and drove a…
Resource type: Case Study
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