Results List
A School Journey Into Eastern Cape's Darkest Heart
Source: Daily Maverick
By Mandy De Waal While children in former Model C schools enjoy the privilege of excellent facilities, there are places of learning in rural areas without access to water, where pupils share grossly overcrowded classrooms, and where conditions essentially violate basic human rights. During a…
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Behind the scenes of school infrastructure victory
Source: Ground Up
OPINION Doron Isaacs of Equal Education describes the organisation's campaign that got the Minister of Basic Education to settle their court case last week.On Monday 12 November I was sitting in a meeting at Equal Education head office in Khayelitsha and noticed the red light…
Resource type: News
Migrant bill should deal with violence, say lobbyists
Source: The Irish Times
PAMELA DUNCANAMENDMENTS DESIGNED to protect migrant women experiencing domestic violence should be included in the Immigration and Protection Bill, an Oireachtas committee heard yesterday.Representatives of Women’s Aid, migrant network AkiDwA and the Immigrant Council of Ireland said migrant women were in a vulnerable position, as…
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Study on Bermuda’s girls is needed
Source: The Royal Gazette
The below Royal Gazette article looks at how findings from a new report about unemployed young Black Bermudian men and the gender gap in educational attainment, "Out of School and On the Wall," led its co-author Dr. Jethwani-Keyser to discover that there was a need for more in-depth analysis on…
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Seniors’ groups take to airwaves and Capitol Hill to protect Social Security, Medicare
Source: The Washington Post
By David A. FahrentholdFirst, AARP tried to convey disappointment. In May, the group launched a TV ad warning that Congress might try to cut Social Security and Medicare benefits as part of a deal to raise the national debt ceiling. “The country can do better,” it said.Then,…
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A bridge across the River Foyle
Source: TES Connect
By Meabh RitchieReligious feeling runs high on the two sides of Derry, but Northern Ireland’s Sharing Education Programme sees Catholic and Protestant pupils working together, reports Meabh Ritchie It may be early summer, but sheets of rain are slicing the landscape in two and colliding…
Resource type: News
What's Working for Children 2011 - Conference report, presentations, and more...
Source: What's Working for Children
Highlights from the What's Working for Children 2011 Conference Evidence based practice – the what, why and how Dublin, Ireland , 11 and 12 May 2011 "Our natural resource is our children; they will form the next generation and will impact the economy…
Resource type: News
Are Well-Off Progressives Standing in the Way of a Real Movement for Economic Justice?
Source: AlterNet
By Alyssa BattistoniMany progressives are affluent and well-educated. Does their elite status stand in the way of a movement to fight attacks on the working class?Over the past few years, it’s become an article of faith among progressives that we’re living through a second Gilded…
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The rise of the 'granny nannies'
By Eilish O'Regan Elderly parents are bailing out their adult children with gifts of cash or assets, while regularly helping to care for their grandchildren too.The rise of the "granny nannies" is confirmed in a comprehensive study on ageing published yesterday.Nearly half of respondents cared for…
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ID on demand ruled unconstitutional
Source: Irish Times
MARY CAROLAN and JAMIE SMYTHA PROVISION of the Immigration Act forcing non-Irish nationals to produce ID on demand to a garda or face a criminal conviction has been ruled “unconstitutional” by the High Court.Immigrant groups welcomed the landmark judgment, which they said would help fight…
Resource type: News