Results List
As 2009 Nears, Stresses Vie with Opportunities for Atlantic and its Grantees
Source: Gara LaMarche
As 2008 draws to a close, organisations, just like individuals, should take a moment to reflect on the challenges and accomplishments of the year that is ending, and prepare for the one ahead. I’d like to do that, in this final column of an eventful…
Resource type: News
Obama Pledge Stirs Hope in Early Education
Source: The New York Times
by SAM DILLON CHICAGO — It was the morning after the presidential election, and Matthew Melmed, executive director of Zero to Three, a national organization devoted to early childhood education, could barely contain his exultation. Mr. Melmed fired off an e-mail message to his board…
Resource type: News
Why the 'Senior Voting Bloc' is a Myth
Source: New America Media
Original Source Editor's Note: While exit-polls may show that those aged 60 and older favored John McCain over Barack Obama on election day, closer analysis shows that the elderly are as diverse in politics as they are in almost every other social sphere. Paul Kleyman…
Resource type: News
Alzheimer test could transform diagnosis
Source: Irish Times
A Belfast doctor has received a US research award for his work on the development of a blood test for Alzheimer's, something that could transform diagnosis of the disease by Marina Murphy STEPHEN TODD of the department of geriatric medicine at Queen's University Belfast hopes…
Resource type: News
Senior Help Line celebrates tenth anniversary
Source: Galway Advertiser
President McAleese to launch Galway centre By Martina Nee More than 60,000 calls have been received by Senior Help Line which is celebrating its 10th anniversary with its first ever national conference in Galway. The two day conference, entitled ‘Reflecting on the Past and Shaping the Future’,…
Resource type: News
Civil rights groups file suits on voter harassment
Source: The Associated Press State & Local Wire
by HEATHER CLARK Two civil rights groups have filed separate lawsuits to stop members of the Republican Party from obtaining and making public private voter information and intimidating voters ahead of Election Day. The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, or MALDEF, filed a…
Resource type: News
Taking Account of Race as a Philanthropic Imperative
Foundations must take account of race in all of their work in order to get beyond racism, said Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies President and CEO, in this speech at the Waldemar Nielsen Issue Forums in Philanthropy, Georgetown Public Policy Institute in Washington. You might…
Resource type: Speech
Parents Give Up Youths Under Law Meant for Babies
Source: The New York Times
by ERIK ECKHOLM OMAHA - The abandonments began on Sept. 1, when a mother left her 14-year-old son in a police station here. By Sept. 23, two more boys and one girl, ages 11 to 14, had been abandoned in hospitals in Omaha and Lincoln.…
Resource type: News
Employers learning gray matters
Source: The Arizona Republic
by Betty Beard More employers now realize they need to recruit and retrain older workers -- especially Baby Boomers. But many aren't sure how to go about that. And at the same time, mature applicants are seeking jobs in drastically changed workplaces that have gone…
Resource type: News
Mentoring program helps at-risk children
Source: Times-Picayune (New Orleans)
Life Coaches for Kids breaks absentee cycle by Tara McLellan The statistics are staggering. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the percentage of single parent households is at an all-time high of 28.3 percent. And statistics show that with the rise in single parent households,…
Resource type: News