Results List
Department's HIV drop report treated with some caution
Source: Cape Argus (South Africa)
The Health Department has reported a drop in HIV prevalence in its annual survey - but researchers warn that it's too soon to tell. "The findings suggest that the South African epidemic is on a downward trend," Minister of Health Manto Tshabala-la-Msimang said in her…
Resource type: News
Philanthropy and Government: Striking the Right Balance
Source: Gara LaMarche
Now that both major parties in the U.S. have presumptive nominees for the Presidency, it seems like a good time to share some thoughts on the relationships between philanthropy and government – relationships that Atlantic has considerable experience with in each of the countries in…
Resource type: News
Another Letter from South Africa: A Young Man’s Journey Out of Poverty Lifts Others Along the Way
Source: Gara LaMarche
Themba Mngomezulu stood on a hillside on his family’s land, in Ingwavuma, in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province, not far from the border of Swaziland, and told us his story. Not far away, his grandmother sat on a straw mat on the floor of her one-room…
Resource type: News
Xenophobic Violence in South Africa: Rays of Hope in Terrible Times
Source: Gara LaMarche
Johannesburg, South Africa When I arrived here on Monday after eighteen hours in transit, I was greeted by the horrific image on the front page of that morning’s Star, of a refugee hunted down by a mob and burned alive, in a grim imitation of…
Resource type: News
Report from the Heartland: Elections as Opportunities for Unheard Voices
Source: Gara LaMarche
I just got back from Des Moines, Iowa, where I watched and listened as low-income people, all too often ignored in elections, took the opportunity to raise issues of concern to them with the leading Democratic Presidential candidates (the Republicans were invited, too, but none…
Resource type: News
Speak Up for Health Coverage for Kids in the U.S.: Join the National Voice for Children
Source: Gara LaMarche
I’m visiting Atlantic’s programmes in Viet Nam right now, and a few days ago a provincial health official proudly told a group of us that the Government recently made health care free for all of the nine million Vietnamese children under the age of six.…
Resource type: News
Twenty Years of South African Constitutionalism
Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies, delivered this keynote address at an international conference held by New York Law School: Constitutional Rights, Judicial Independence and the Transition to Democracy: Twenty Years of South African Constitutionalism. The conference brought together a diverse group…
Resource type: Speech
Fair Representation for All
Source: Mail & Guardian Online
By Fiona MacLeodWinnerDr Ivan May Memorial AwardProBono.Org When horse-riding instructor and stable manager Gary Allpass won his legal case earlier this year for being unfairly dismissed because he is HIV-positive, he set an important precedent for others in a similar position. His legal representation was arranged…
Resource type: News
Catalytic Philanthropy: Investing in Policy Advocacy
Source: PhilanTopic (Philanthropy News Digest)
Philanthropy News Digest's blog PhilanTopic named The Atlantic Philanthropies as an organization that has made policy advocacy a cornerstone of its philanthropic strategy in its post on why policy advocacy is one of the most important tools needed to drive social change: Policy advocacy -- a…
Resource type: News
Cover: The 25 Best Givers
Source: Barron's
With money tight, top philanthropists insist on more bang for the buck. Meet the 25 most effective givers. The KIPP Foundation is an Atlantic grantee. By Suzanne McGee. THE NAME OF THE GAME IN PHILANTHROPY this year is to make your dollars go far --…
Resource type: News