Results List
Health Equity: Cuba, South Africa, the United States, and Viet Nam
[caption id="attachment_58419" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Yarol Yamel, 3, is examined by Dr. Janisleydis Rosado for bronchial asthma at walk-in clinic Number 15, La Santa Fe, Isle of Youth.[/caption] Cuba Although Cuba’s health care system is considered to be one of the best in the world, in…
Resource type: Page
New Campaign Aims to Focus Health Reform Implementation On Improving, Coordinating Care for Vulnerable Older Adults
Source: Campaign for Better Care
Survey Finds Older Adults Suffering Due to Poor Coordination, Communication WASHINGTON, DC — April 8, 2010 — To ensure health reform works for those with the most at stake, the National Partnership for Women & Families, Community Catalyst and the National Health Law Program (NHeLP)…
Resource type: News
The Campaign for Better Care: Summary Evaluation Findings
Source: Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies
This evaluation of the Campaign for Better Care — an Atlantic-funded effort to include the voices and perspectives of vulnerable populations in health care so that it reflected their needs — found that although the foundation provided needed organizational support, resources are still limited in carrying…
Resource type: Evaluation
Health Care for America Now: A New Campaign to Win Quality, Affordable Health Coverage for All in the U.S.
Source: Gara LaMarche
The public relations spin doctors for the U.S. health insurance industry, who are probably busy at work concocting the script for a TV commercial or Internet ad to sink comprehensive health care reform in 2009, ought to think again. You may remember the fictitious couple,…
Resource type: News
Maine Grant to Expand Insurance to Direct-Care Workers
Source: PHI International
PHI is an Atlantic grantee. An $8.5 million federal grant to the state of Maine will expand health coverage to Maine's direct-care workers. The grant, which was announced on September 3 by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, will also cover seasonal workers,…
Resource type: News
Value Our Elders and Those Who Care for Them: A Message from the White House Conference on Aging
Source: Huffington Post
By Ai-jen PooToday marks the 50th anniversary of the Older Americans Act, which will swiftly be followed by the 50th anniversaries of Medicare and Medicaid, and the 80th anniversary of Social Security. Yesterday, I was honored to join hundreds at the White House Conference on…
Resource type: News
Organizations Provide $8.7 Million to Launch a National Center to Improve Care for Complex Patients
Source: Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers
CAMDEN, N.J.—The Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers announced plans to establish a national center to improve care for high-need patients who experience poor outcomes despite extreme patterns of hospitalizations or emergency care. Inefficient and ineffective care of these patients has been identified as a driver…
Resource type: News
The fight for universal health care
Source: Politico
Original Source Richard Kirsch, national campaign manager for Health Care for America Now, takes nothing for granted. On the very day last week that President Barack Obama released his budget proposal, which includes a $634 billion reserve fund to overhaul the nation’s health care system, Kirsch…
Resource type: News
A Big Bet on Advocacy Helps to Make History on Health Care
Source: Gara LaMarche
“Health care reform is no longer an unmet promise. It is the law of the land.” I can’t tell you what a thrill it was to hear President Obama speak those words, a few hours ago, after signing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.…
Resource type: News
The Caring Majority: Dignity for Older Adults and Those Who Care for Them
Source: Maryann Jacob Macias, Associate Programme Executive at The Atlantic Philanthropies
[caption id="attachment_57521" align="alignright" width="183"] Maryann Jacob Macias, Atlantic's Associate Programme Executive in the United States.[/caption] All older adults have a right to quality care. Atlantic has a long history of supporting policies and standards to better address the needs of the growing population of older…
Resource type: News