Results List
Could Foundations Have Mounted a Better Defense of the ACA?
Source: Health Affairs Blog
By Michael Booth It came sometime after the “You lie!” outburst and the false claims of “death panels,” but before two potentially fatal US Supreme Court decisions and sixty-seven consecutive votes to repeal in the US House of Representatives. In hindsight, President Obama’s signing of…
Resource type: News
US Health Researchers Look to Cuba for Better Outcomes
Source: MEDICC
By Joseph Vargas For many Americans, Cuba is perceived as a forbidden island associated with Soviet era revolutionary leaders mixed with distant memories of cold war politics that culminated in the Cuban missile crises of the 1960’s. Although the country maintains its Communist ideology, Cuba has…
Resource type: News
Diane E. Meier, MD: From Early Lessons in Critical Thinking to 'Palliative Care Everywhere'
Source: The Asco Post
By Ronald Piana Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. —Helen Keller, Optimism, 1903 [caption id="attachment_44580" align="alignleft" width="292"] Diane E. Meier, MD, FACP is director of the Center to Advance Palliative Care.[/caption] Shortly past 8:00 AM…
Resource type: News
NCOA Launches One Away Campaign for Elder Economic Security; Releases National Poll on Struggles Facing Older Adults
Source: PR Newswire
Campaign Uses Video to Spotlight the Problem, Calls for Change in the Older Americans ActWASHINGTON, March 31, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- More than 13 million older adults are considered economically insecure, living on just $21,780 a year or less. Every day, these seniors, and millions of Boomers, have to choose whether…
Resource type: News
Obama, Progressives and Health Care Reform
Source: The Huffington Post
Original Source Health Care for America Now and the Center for Community Change are Atlantic grantees. In the last few weeks, a variety of groups have been more forthright in expressing criticisms of the Obama administration now that it is more than half a year…
Resource type: News
Health Critic Brings a Past and a Wallet
Source: The New York Times
Health Care for America Now is an Atlantic grantee. By JIM RUTENBERG WASHINGTON — Richard L. Scott is unusual in these tough economic times: a rich, conservative investor willing to spend freely on a political cause. Mr. Scott is starring in his own rotation of advertisements…
Resource type: News
New Obamacare Enrollment Campaign Unveiled By Kathleen Sebelius
Source: Huffington Post
WASHINGTON -- With precious time remaining before the health care exchanges established by the president's health care law are up and running, the Obama administration is rolling out new initiatives to encourage enrollment.The latest of these is set to be unveiled on Monday, when the…
Resource type: News
Atlantic’s Health Equity Champions
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Our grantees have led the way to fairer and better health care around the world. Meet some of them. [caption id="attachment_82595" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Photo: Magnum Foundation[/caption] One of the best things about working at The Atlantic Philanthropies is that we have the privilege of supporting extraordinary leaders and…
Resource type: News
Refugees Denied Access to Health Care
Source: Inter Press Service (Johannesburg)
Original Source By Kristin Palitza Durban Refugees and migrants do not have adequate access to health care services in South Africa, aid organisations and NGOs say. This is particularly detrimental for those who are HIV-positive and in need of continuous antiretroviral (ARV) medication: interrupted treatment…
Resource type: News
Improving Access to Health Care for Older Adults
Source: National Senior Citizens Law Center
The National Senior Citizens Law Center is launching a new campaign to use strategic litigation and administrative policy advocacy to protect low income older adults’ access to affordable health care. The campaign is supported by The Atlantic Philanthropies. Now is a time when legal advocacy…
Resource type: News