Results List
Letter from Belfast: In a Time of Strengthening Peace, Communities and Advocates Raise Their Voices for Social Justice
Source: Gara LaMarche
Time was, not too long ago, that sectarian violence ruled Belfast, but in recent years the bombs have largely fallen silent. The more rare outbursts of violence – such as the March killings of two British soldiers ambushed during a pizza delivery – have been…
Resource type: News
Teaching in Prison's Shadow
Source: Huffington Post
By Sally Lee, Executive Director, Teachers UniteNot long ago a New Haven, Conn., high school with a predominantly African-American student body had an annex for students with chronic absences and those labeled as having behavioral issues. The annex was located in the New Haven Armory,…
Resource type: News
School Discipline Reform and the Role of Atlantic Philanthropies
Source: The Chronicle of Social Change
By Kiersten Marek Atlantic Philanthropies’ work in the area of school discipline reform is a particularly striking example of how limited-life philanthropy can play a key role in social movements for children and youth. Atlantic Philanthropies has a large and diverse giving portfolio, covering the areas…
Resource type: News
U.S. Aid Urged for Education's Entrepreneurs
Source: Education Week
by Erik W. Robelen Washington With the presidential candidates both underscoring their support for entrepreneurial initiatives in education, policy experts are advancing ideas for helping such efforts flourish. In their Oct. 15 debate at Hofstra University, both Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Barack Obama…
Resource type: News
Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity: Leading the Way to a More Just Future
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
[caption id="attachment_78849" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Photo: Getty Images[/caption] Dismantling anti-black racism to advance fairer, healthier and more inclusive societies for all The Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity is one of an interconnected set of fellowship programs – the Atlantic Fellows – launched by The Atlantic Philanthropies…
Resource type: News
Discipline with Dignity: Oakland Schools Try Talk Circles
Source: The Christian Science Monitor
By Fania Davis, YES! MagazineAs executive director of Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth, Fania Davis sees programs like hers helping to shut down the school-to-prison pipeline.'Punitive justice asks only what rule of law was broken, who did it, and how they should be punished. It…
Resource type: News
After-School Sessions Expanding the Reach of Summer Program
Source: Education Week
Study shows children who took part improved their reading skills by Kathleen Kennedy Manzo Following a day of classwork, about 40 students from neighboring schools gather in the media center at Fairview Elementary School for a celebration of a day well spent. After a reading…
Resource type: News
Department of Education Data Show Urgent Need to Address Racial Disparities in School Discipline
Source: Dignity in Schools Coalition
Today Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, announced the results of the latest Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) – a national survey of 72,000 schools – which shows that racial disparities in school discipline, including suspensions, expulsions and arrests, remain alarmingly high in districts and states across the…
Resource type: News
When High School Students Are Treated Like Prisoners
Source: Rolling Stone
Advocacy groups are calling for a reduction in the use of police officers in schools. Photo: Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post via Getty ImagesBy Molly KnefelAs students in New York City return to school for the fall, a coalition of youth and legal advocacy groups, including…
Resource type: News
A National Call to Stop Using Out-of-School Suspensions
Source: NEA Today
By Tim WalkerStudents, educators, parents, and community leaders have launched a national call for a moratorium on out-of-school suspensions and for schools to adopt more constructive disciplinary policies that benefit students, classrooms and communities.The Solutions Not Suspensions initiative, announced last Tuesday at an event led by the Dignity…
Resource type: News