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Int’l organisations help upgrade VNIO
Source: VOV News
The Atlantic Philanthropies (AP) from the US and the Australia’s Fred Hollows Foundation (FHF) have provided more than US$2 million to help improve the Vietnam National Institute of Ophthalmology (VNIO). The focus of a two-year project will be on four main fields: developing a training…
Resource type: News
Tears for Tale of a Lamented Mother
Source: Canberra Times
Therese Rein was brought to tears yesterday as she read a poem by 14-year-old Sianna Eland. The Canberra schoolgirl wrote about her mother, Maria King, who died seven years ago. The Prime Minister's wife was asked to share the poem with a crowd gathered at…
Resource type: News
Up Close: Blogging from South Africa
Source: Gara LaMarche and Jack Rosenthal
Night and a Day in QueenstownPosted by Gara LaMarche | 18 March 2011, South AfricaAs Jack has chronicled, we arrived in Queenstown, the final leg of our journey in the Eastern Cape, in the dark, around 7 p.m. This was a problem for two reasons. First, we’d…
Resource type: News
Hanoi meeting marks World Glaucoma Day
Source: Vietnamese News Agency (VNA)
A meeting, entitled Glaucoma Detection and Control, was organised in Hanoi on March 11 in response to World Glaucoma Day (March 12). During the meeting, held by the Vietnam National Institute of Ophthalmology (VNIO), it was revealed that there are approximately 30,000 glaucoma patients in…
Resource type: News