Results List
Agent Orange: Congenital deformities plague Vietnam; U.S. slow to help
Source: Chicago Tribune
By Jason Grotto. DONG NAI PROVINCE, Vietnam. U.S., Vietnam split over whether defoliants used in war are to blame Part 3 of a Tribune investigation finds that the role of defoliants in Vietnam's high rate of birth defects remains a contentious question decades after U.S.…
Resource type: News
Cover: The 25 Best Givers
Source: Barron's
With money tight, top philanthropists insist on more bang for the buck. Meet the 25 most effective givers. The KIPP Foundation is an Atlantic grantee. By Suzanne McGee. THE NAME OF THE GAME IN PHILANTHROPY this year is to make your dollars go far --…
Resource type: News
Investment in South Africa From Inside and Out: Reflections of an Overseas Friend
The Atlantic Philanthropies’ approach to investment in South Africa and the country’s challenges in the face of declining international funding are discussed in this speech by Gara LaMarche, Atlantic’s President and CEO, at the Inyathelo Annual Awards Ceremony in Cape Town, South Africa. It is…
Resource type: Speech
Northern Ireland Has Much More to Accomplish in Human Rights
The Good Friday Agreement represented a critical step forward for human rights in Northern Ireland, but it is essential to focus on what hasn’t yet been accomplished, said Martin O'Brien, Programme Director, Reconciliation & Human Rights Programme at The Atlantic Philanthropies, in this speech at…
Resource type: Speech
The Age We Live In
Source: The Irish Times
Original Source Trinity College Dublin is an Atlantic grantee. CLAIRE O’CONNELL reports on the rationale behind a new study on ageing in the Republic which has just been launched WHAT IS it really like to grow old in Ireland? A major new study, which launched…
Resource type: News
The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Embrace of a Social Justice Approach to Grantmaking
The story behind The Atlantic Philanthropies’ embrace of social justice is recounted in this speech by Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, at the Ford Foundation Convening on Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace in February 2009 in Cairo, Egypt. It is bracing…
Resource type: Speech
Change Comes to Washington: Will it Come to Philanthropy, Too?
Philanthropy should step up and seize the unprecedented opportunities created by the election of President Obama, said Gara LaMarche, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies, in this speech at the Annual Meeting of Southern California Grantmakers in Los Angeles. When the terrific Sushma Raman –…
Resource type: Speech
The elder-care crunch
Source: The Baltimore Sun
13 Jul 2008 Original Source By Tanika White, Sun reporter After four years of medical school and three years of internal medicine training, Jessica Colburn could have chosen just about any field of medicine to practice. Gastroenterology would have been lucrative, brain surgery exciting. At…
Resource type: News
Higher Levels Of Blood Protein Fetuin-A Linked To Diabetes
Source: Medical News Today
Original Source A study published in the July 9 issue of JAMA finds an association between higher than normal levels of the protein fetuin-A and an increased risk of developing diabetes. Fetuin-A is one of several blood proteins that is produced in the liver and…
Resource type: News
With Obama's election, nonprofits aim for a seat at the table
Source: The NonProfit Times
by Mark Hrywna Steve Gunderson has a prediction: Someone from the foundation world will be in Barack Obama’s administration. “There are an awful of my colleagues who have been in government before who are interested in returning,” said Gunderson, president and CEO of the Council…
Resource type: News