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It is a duty of yours, mine and the state's to end all prejudice
Source: Cape Argus (South Africa)
Treatment Action Campaign, the Lesbian and Gay Equality Project and the Triangle Project are Atlantic grantees. She loved soccer and represented South Africa in our women's soccer team, Banyana Banyana. On April 28, 2008, Eudy Simelane was raped, stabbed 25 times, robbed and murdered because…
Resource type: News
How Do We Keep Obama's Youth Mobilized?
Source: The American Prospect
Original Source Barack Obama's campaign politicized and organized more youth than any campaign has in recent history. The Prospect asked nine organizers, writers, and thinkers at the forefront of progressivism and youth activism to suggest one way of incorporating these youth into the progressive movement.…
Resource type: News
A California financier emerges as one of the nation's most prolific philanthropists
Source: The Christian Science Monitor
Bernard Osher, called the 'quiet giver,' donates large sums to education and the arts. Original Source Reporter Paul Van Slambrouck discusses the character of 'The Quiet Philanthropist.' From a distance, the philanthropic world can look much like the for-profit world. The metrics that seem to…
Resource type: News