Results List
Oakland Health Career Pathways: Resource Study
Source: APA Consulting
The Oakland Health Pathways Project (OHPP) is a joint initiative of OUSD, the Alameda Health System, and the Alameda County Health Care Services Agency. The initiative is designed to improve educational and long-term employment outcomes for youth of color in Oakland (Alameda County), California, while…
Resource type: Research Report
Our Brother’s Keeper
Source: Flatbush Pictures
Almost 20 years after Duane Edward Buck was convicted of capital murder, his siblings — Marvin, Phyllis, and Monique — reflect on their brother's resilience in the face of an extraordinary injustice: a piece of explicitly racist testimony from a psychologist that likely sent him…
Resource type: Video
Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity: Leading the Way to a More Just Future
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
[caption id="attachment_78849" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Photo: Getty Images[/caption] Dismantling anti-black racism to advance fairer, healthier and more inclusive societies for all The Atlantic Fellows for Racial Equity is one of an interconnected set of fellowship programs – the Atlantic Fellows – launched by The Atlantic Philanthropies…
Resource type: News
Media Impact Funders Receives Two Transformative Grants to Strengthen Support of Media That Matters
Source: Media Impact Funders
[caption id="attachment_77344" align="alignright" width="292"] Media Impact Funders is a knowledge network for media funders.[/caption] PHILADELPHIA, PA (May 31, 2016)—Media Impact Funders (MIF), a member-supported network of funders who seek to improve society through media and technology, has been awarded a two-year, $500,000 matching grant from…
Resource type: News
Roosevelt Middle School: Bridging Cultures, Creating Community
A small blue and green globe is passed from hand to hand as parents, staff, and community partners introduce themselves and share about a cultural tradition or characteristic that they’re proud of – and that they want other members of their school community to understand…
Resource type: Grantee Story
First Named Professorship Established at John Jay With Funding From Ford Foundation and Atlantic
Source: John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Renowned Scholar Dr. Phillip Atiba Goff is appointed as Franklin A. Thomas Professor in Policing Equity [caption id="attachment_75797" align="alignright" width="295"] Dr. Phillip Atiba Goff[/caption]New York, NY – President Jeremy Travis of John Jay College announced the establishment of the Franklin A. Thomas Professorship in Policing…
Resource type: News
Philanthropy's Role in Promoting Positive Approaches to School Discipline
Source: American Educator
By Kavitha Mediratta Last year, at the beginning of ninth grade, my son's friend Emmanuel was suspended from school for bringing a brick to class. Emmanuel had found the brick in the schoolyard, and with the satirical wit of a 14-year-old, named it "Softie" and…
Resource type: News
Feeney Awarded Inaugural International Philanthropy Medal
Source: Pro Bono Australia
One of Australia’s biggest philanthropic benefactors, Charles “Chuck” Feeney, is the inaugural recipient of a prestigious new award recognizing global generosity. Feeney, an international business leader and philanthropist who made his fortune worth billions and quietly gave it all away, is the first person to…
Resource type: News
Scanning the Skyline: Lessons From 30 Years of Capital Grantmaking
Source: Tony Proscio, Duke University Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society
Buildings have a special allure for philanthropy—their mass, their unambiguous reality, their durability, their promise of sheltering great transformative enterprise—that few other achievements can match. They also conjure a cloud of distinctive risks: the possibility of inadequate maintenance, financial drain, premature obsolescence, the danger that…
Resource type: News
Value Our Elders and Those Who Care for Them: A Message from the White House Conference on Aging
Source: Huffington Post
By Ai-jen PooToday marks the 50th anniversary of the Older Americans Act, which will swiftly be followed by the 50th anniversaries of Medicare and Medicaid, and the 80th anniversary of Social Security. Yesterday, I was honored to join hundreds at the White House Conference on…
Resource type: News