Results List
The Atlantic Philanthropies’ Embrace of a Social Justice Approach to Grantmaking
The story behind The Atlantic Philanthropies’ embrace of social justice is recounted in this speech by Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, at the Ford Foundation Convening on Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace in February 2009 in Cairo, Egypt. It is bracing…
Resource type: Speech
Commitment to Service, Volunteerism
Source: CQ Congressional Testimony
COMMITMENT TO SERVICE, VOLUNTEERISM; COMMITTEE: HOUSE EDUCATION AND LABORCQ Congressional Testimony Statement of Harris Wofford Former Senator United States Committee on House Education and Labor February 25, 2009 Let me first thank Chairman Miller and Ranking Member McKeon for convening this hearing on national service and…
Resource type: News
How Much Longer Will Boomers Need to Work?
by Emily BrandonThe typical American retires at age 63. Those fortunate few who have traditional pensions, retiree health insurance, and a fully loaded 401(k) will probably be fine. But if you haven't saved enough to fund 30 years of retirement--and most baby boomers aren't even…
Resource type: News
An untapped wealth of talent
Original Source By Linda Hersey WESTBROOK: Maine has a silent army of civic leaders and volunteers poised and ready to be activated to improve the quality of life for all residents. They are retirees men and women who've had fulfilling careers and are embarking on…
Resource type: News
Talent in Philanthropy
Newspaper reporters, baseball pitching scouts, art dealers and movie studio casting agents all provide models for philanthropy to follow in finding and cultivating talented programme officers, said Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, in this speech to the Foundation Impact Research Group, Terry…
Resource type: Speech
12 People Who Are Changing Your Retirement
Source: Wall Street Journal
Joseph Coughlin describes his work as "trying to get people to 'age cool.' " More specifically, as director of AgeLab, a research program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he is pushing advances in transportation, health care and housing off drawing boards and into older…
Resource type: News
Colleges reaching out to boomers
Source: Dallas Morning News
By Bob Moos Downsized and depressed, Leigh Hoes was approaching 50 and won-dering what to do with the rest of her work life. Then one day, as she leafed through a course catalog that had arrived in the mail from RichlandCollege in Dallas, the idea…
Resource type: News
High Schools Train Students to be Entrepreneurs
Source: PBS Newshour
NewsHour Special Correspondent for Education John Merrow reports on a program that trains high school students to be entrepreneurs. JOHN MERROW, Special Correspondent for Education: Seventeen-year-old high school senior Yesenia Mercado lives in Providence, Rhode Island. Ahead of her is a very important day.…
Resource type: News
Winding Down the Atlantic Philanthropies – 2001-2009: The First Eight Years
Source: Duke University Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society
This report is the first in a series to chronicle the concluding years of The Atlantic Philanthropies, the largest foundation ever to decide to commit its entire endowment in a limited timeframe and then close its doors. It addresses questions raised by the seminal decision made of Atlantic's founder…
Resource type: Research Report
Every Dollar Spent
Source: The Chronicle of Philanthropy
As a private foundation prepares to close after 10 years, its founder is urging others to follow its example. By Eric Frazier. When the office-equipment manufacturer Steelcase Furniture went public just over a decade ago, the deal supplied its major stockholder, John Hunting, with the…
Resource type: News