Results List
The Atlantic Philanthropies Announces the Atlantic Fellows Program and Creation of the Atlantic Institute to Sustain Global Network of Changemakers
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Initiatives will empower and connect dynamic individuals committed to working together across disciplines and borders to advance fairer, healthier, more inclusive societies. NEW YORK, June 1, 2016 — The Atlantic Philanthropies today announced two multi-decade investments, totaling nearly $200 million, to equip innovative leaders and…
Resource type: News
Organizations Provide $8.7 Million to Launch a National Center to Improve Care for Complex Patients
Source: Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers
CAMDEN, N.J.—The Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers announced plans to establish a national center to improve care for high-need patients who experience poor outcomes despite extreme patterns of hospitalizations or emergency care. Inefficient and ineffective care of these patients has been identified as a driver…
Resource type: News
Bringing Everyone to the Table to Eradicate School Discipline Disparities
Source: VUE
By Allison Brown and Kavitha Mediratta Representatives from Open Society Foundations and The Atlantic Philanthropies discuss philanthropy’s role in school discipline reform. [caption id="attachment_54365" align="alignright" width="190"] This article was originally published in VUE magazine.Download the PDF >VUE website >[/caption] The Atlantic Philanthropies funded the work of…
Resource type: News
Atlantic Philanthropies Gives $177 Million to Establish Global Brain Health Institute to Tackle Dementia
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
The Atlantic Philanthropies is giving $177 million to Trinity College Dublin and the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) to establish the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI), a groundbreaking initiative that aims to tackle the looming dementia epidemic and improve health and dementia care worldwide. This…
Resource type: News
The Fierce Urgency of Atlantic: Bending the Arc in Our Final Years
Source: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Thirteen years ago, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ founding chairman Chuck Feeney and our Board of Directors made the decision to complete our grantmaking by the end of 2016. That seemed a long time away. The distant target has now become next year. After extended deliberations during this…
Resource type: News
New National Collaborative Aims to Improve Outcomes for Boys and Men of Color
Source: University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education
Improving Outcomes for Boys and Men of Color: New National Collaborative Aims to Identify and Share Best Practices and Fund Cross-Cutting Academic and Community-Based ResearchA new multifaceted effort, RISE (Research, Integration, Strategy and Evaluation) for Boys and Men of Color, has launched to identify and…
Resource type: News
Foundations Giving Voice to the Voiceless
Source: Grantmakers In Health
By Kimberley Chin, Programme Executive, The Atlantic PhilanthropiesSound policy can only be effective if it represents the experiences and voices of the people it is trying to benefit. The theme for the Grantmakers In Health (GIH) annual meeting this year, The Power of Voice, is…
Resource type: News
On the Joint Initiative to Expand Opportunities for Young Men of Color
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
The Atlantic Philanthropies are pleased to join with our foundation partners, the White House and leading U.S. businesses to improve opportunities for the most disadvantaged among us. Our commitment to this initiative stems from our longstanding focus on promoting equal opportunity and racial equity in…
Resource type: News
Meet the 2013 Purpose Prize Winners
By Marc FreedmanIt's a great honor to unveil the stories of our seven inspirational Purpose Prize winners for 2013. These individuals come from all walks of life, but hold one thing in common: each is changing the world in what was once seen as the…
Resource type: News
Four Successful Innovators Earn UCSF’s Highest Honor
Source: University of California, San Francisco
By Leland Kim on April 3, 2012Susan Desmond-Hellmann, MD, MPH, will bestow the University’s highest honor to four internationally renowned innovators and leaders for outstanding contributions in areas associated with UCSF’s mission to advance health worldwide.She will present the UCSF Medal at the 2012 Founder’s Day banquet to…
Resource type: News