Results List
Get a job? No, make a job
Source: USAToday Michael Simmons, 25, always liked the idea of working for himself. At age 16, he started a Web development company that blossomed as dot-coms proliferated. But then the bubble burst, and many of his clients imploded. Faced with new challenges, Simmons decided he had…
Resource type: News
High Schools Train Students to be Entrepreneurs
Source: PBS Newshour
NewsHour Special Correspondent for Education John Merrow reports on a program that trains high school students to be entrepreneurs. JOHN MERROW, Special Correspondent for Education: Seventeen-year-old high school senior Yesenia Mercado lives in Providence, Rhode Island. Ahead of her is a very important day.…
Resource type: News
Nonprofit Consulting Goes Upscale
Source: Youth Today
By Martha Nichols Boston It's a long way from the wood-paneled offices of consulting firms like Bain & Co. to the yard-sale decor of a youth-serving nonprofit. Yet the Bridgespan Group, a nonprofit consulting spinoff of Bain, is trying to connect those worlds. Only six…
Resource type: News
Ceremony for the Joint Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding
Source: National Hospital of Pediatrics, Viet Nam
Between the Ministry of Health of Vietnam (MOH) and the Atlantic Philanthropies (AP) on the Reform, Expand, and Upgrade the National Hospital of Pediatrics held on 4th November 2005. This project will ensure the NHP becomes a leading pediatric hospital in Vietnam. With modern and…
Resource type: News
Higher Achievement Program Named Winner of The Washington Post 2005 Award for Excellence in Nonprofit Management
Source: Center for Nonprofit Advancement
PRESS RELEASE CONTACT Rick Rose, Director of Communications EMAIL SUBJECT Higher Achievement Program Named Winner of The Washington Post 2005 Award for Excellence in Nonprofit Management Washington, D.C. - The Center for Nonprofit Advancement, formerly the Washington Council of Agencies, announced today that Higher…
Resource type: News
One Life to Give
Source: Irish America
Conor O'Cleary interviews Chuck Feeney about his philosophy of giving. Irish America 12-01-2003 Chuck Feeney has just put into practice something he had been considering for many years. He has decided that all the vast wealth he accumulated in his lifetime should be given away…
Resource type: News
Purpose Built: Knowledge and tools for people who fund, lead, and evaluate capital projects
Source: MASS Design
Capital projects often bring lasting benefits to nonprofit organizations and the people they serve. In the United States alone, foundations grant more than $3 billion per year to construct or improve buildings. To help these funders and their nonprofit partners make the most of capital…
Resource type: Case Study
Youth suicide rates have escalated in the Philippines
Source: The Atlantic Fellows
COVID-19 has accelerated the need for urgent action on mental health care. Lack of access to mental health care for young Filipinos, particularly in remote areas, is deadly. Attempted youth suicides and deaths have risen sharply during the COVID-19 pandemic, with an increase in suicide-related…
Resource type: News
Alert: Beware of Scams Claiming to be from Atlantic, Chuck Feeney or Christopher Oechsli (updated 8/26/22)
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
A phishing scam is currently circulating on the internet claiming to come from Chuck Feeney or an Atlantic representative and offering funding.
Resource type: News
Connecting Practice, Policy and Partners: Lessons for Advocacy Initiatives in Rural Health from the Rural Health Advocacy Project (RHAP)
Source: Dr. Waasila Jassat
This report discusses the impact of the Rural Health Advocacy Project (RHAP), a South African organization created in 2009 to advocate for the health care needs of people living in rural areas. Lessons from RHAP’s activities will be useful to both public health funders and…
Resource type: Research Report