Results List
Editorial: Stopping Arizona
Source: The New York Times
A fight is brewing over Arizona’s new law that turns all of the state’s Latinos, even legal immigrants and citizens, into criminal suspects. And this is not a local fight. The poison is spreading; there is talk in Texas of passing a version of the…
Resource type: News
Health reform challenge in Australia: Repairing the fundamentals and building on stronger foundations
Source: Prime Minister of Australia
Australia’s Prime Minister praises biomedical research at the University of Queensland as an example of what can be achieved when government, universities and philanthropy work together in partnership.It is good to be back home; it's good to be back in Brisbane; good to be back…
Resource type: News
New Campaign Aims to Focus Health Reform Implementation On Improving, Coordinating Care for Vulnerable Older Adults
Source: Campaign for Better Care
Survey Finds Older Adults Suffering Due to Poor Coordination, Communication WASHINGTON, DC — April 8, 2010 — To ensure health reform works for those with the most at stake, the National Partnership for Women & Families, Community Catalyst and the National Health Law Program (NHeLP)…
Resource type: News
Irish Publication "Report Card 2010" Spotlights Children as Casualties of Recession
The Government of the Republic of Ireland has slipped to an overall D- grade in the Children’s Rights Alliance Report Card 2010, a publication released 25 January, which grades Government on progress in its own commitments to children in the areas of Education, Health, Material…
Resource type: News
TILDA study gets a home for its research in Trinity College
Source: Irish Medical Times
Trinity College Dublin is an Atlantic grantee. by Gary Culliton The President of Ireland, Mary McAleese, has launched The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) Health Assessment Centre at Trinity College Dublin and the public phase of the TILDA study that involves interviewing 8,000 older…
Resource type: News
CSI and social justice: towards partnership with northern donors?
Source: Published in The CSI Handbook, 10th edition, published by Trialogue, 2007
South African corporates have traditionally shied away from investment in human rights and social justice programmes. In this feature article, Colleen du Toit and Gerald Kraak from the Atlantic Philanthropies propose co-operation between northern donors and local companies to enhance the impact of mutual investments…
Resource type: News
Supporting Initiatives By and For Women Is Critical To Achieving Social Justice
Source: Gara LaMarche
In their new book, “Half the Sky,” Pulitzer Prize winners Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl Wu Dunn assert that there can be no social or economic justice, or human rights progress around the world, that does not have women and girls at its core. It’s a…
Resource type: News
Guide for principals on helping gay pupils
Source: The Irish Times
GLEN is an Atlantic grantee. by Kitty Holland TWELVE YEARS of age is the most common age for a lesbian, gay or transgender young person to become aware of their sexual identity. It is at the age of 17 that a young person is most…
Resource type: News
Launch of Groundbreaking Guidance for School Principals on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Students
Source: Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN)
GLEN is an Atlantic grantee. Minister Seán Haughey TD today launched a groundbreaking new publication Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Students in Post Primary Schools - Guidance for Principals and School Leaders developed jointly by the Department of Education and GLEN. This the first comprehensive guidance…
Resource type: News
Tricky Road Ahead for Innovation Fund
Source: Education Week
Original source Teach for America and Grantmakers for Education are Atlantic grantees. By Erik W. Robelen Federal education officials will face a variety of obstacles in running a $650 million innovation fund, from an expected flood of applications and concern about favoritism in picking winners,…
Resource type: News