Results List
Ryans prove Ireland's foremost philanthropists with €10m gift
By JEROME REILLY Declan Ryan and the late Cathal Ryan, sons of Ryanair founder Dr Tony Ryan, have emerged as among Ireland's foremost philanthropists following a donation last week of $14m (€10m) to build schools in Sri Lanka -- the latest in tens of millions…
Resource type: News
Making a Difference in the Lives of People with Disabilities: Capturing the Learning from Funding on the Island of Ireland
Source: Morrow Gilchrist Associates
The Atlantic Philanthropies’ investments on behalf of people with disabilities living on the island of Ireland helped advance their rights and achieve community inclusion and participation, according to this evaluation by Morrow Gilchrist Associates. Atlantic’s strategy was informed by the need to implement and interpret…
Resource type: Research Report
A Case Study in Policy Entrepreneurship: The Centre for Disability Law & Policy, National University of Ireland, Galway
Source: Susan Parker
Carefully researched studies are essential for advocates to make persuasive arguments to legislators and for policymakers to make informed decisions. But too often academic research is disconnected from the real world concerns of those who make or wish to influence policy. The Centre for Disability…
Resource type: Research Report
ICI Says Migrants Left ‘In Limbo’ by Immigration Policy
Source: The Irish Times
Immigration Council of Ireland notes ‘busy year’ for its frontline servicesChief executive of the Immigrant Council of Ireland (ICI) Denise Charlton. The ICI criticised Ireland’s immigration policy and how it leaves migrants ‘living in limbo’. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish TimesBy Patsy McGarryFailure to provide a…
Resource type: News
Endorsement deadline for Ireland's Civil Society Shadow Report is 21st of March
Source: Universal Periodic Review in Ireland
In October 2011, Ireland will be examined for the first time by the United Nations on our human rights record under the Universal Periodic Review or UPR. Seventeen leading organisations have come together to make sure that the United Nations hears your views about Your…
Resource type: News
Taking Research and a Country to New Levels of Excellence
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="250"] Postgraduate research student Eric Farrell and Minister of Education and Science Mary Hanafin at Trinity College Dublin's Centre for Bioengineering. Photo: Trinity College Dublin[/caption] "Look, frankly you've got to invest in research," were Founding Chairman Chuck Feeney's words in 1998 to…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Couple happy to play part in Ireland's 'big step'
Source: The Irish Times
By PAMELA DUNCANWHEN BARRY Dignam and Hugh Walsh first met almost 20 years ago, homosexuality was still illegal; neither man envisaged then a time where their relationship would be legally recognised by the Irish State.Yet today, 17 years after they started going out, they will…
Resource type: News
Supporting Initiatives By and For Women Is Critical To Achieving Social Justice
Source: Gara LaMarche
In their new book, “Half the Sky,” Pulitzer Prize winners Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl Wu Dunn assert that there can be no social or economic justice, or human rights progress around the world, that does not have women and girls at its core. It’s a…
Resource type: News
Time period for immigrants to find work extended
Source: Irish Times
Original Source by STEVEN CARROLL THE PERIOD of time allowed to migrant workers to find new employment after they have been made redundant has been extended by Minister for Justice Dermot Ahern. Certain migrant workers who have lived in the State for under five years…
Resource type: News
“A story of great human proportions” – Lydia Foy and the Struggle for Transgender Rights in Ireland
Source: Free Legal Advice Centres (FLAC)
This report chronicles Lydia Foy’s long legal struggle in Ireland to be officially recognized as a woman—an effort that not only ended in victory for her but that led to a fundamental change in Irish law and how society views gender and identity. Foy’s story…
Resource type: Research Report