Results List
'Security safeguards needed' for new photo ID cards
Source: Irish Independent
Original Source by Fiach Kelly CIVIL liberties groups and opposition politicians yesterday said that adequate safeguards should be put in place for a new photo ID card. The Department of Social and Family Affairs has confirmed that it is developing a card "that acts as…
Resource type: News
Autism 'chaos' as one-third wait over year for diagnosis
Source: Irish Independent
Critical chance to intervene early being missed By Fiach Kelly and Edel Kennedy MORE than one in three parents trying to find out if their child is suffering from autism are being forced to wait over a year for a diagnosis. Official HSE figures obtained…
Resource type: News
Equality, data protection and human rights bodies to merge
Source: The Irish Times
Original Source DEAGLáN DE BRéADÚN, Political Correspondent THE GOVERNMENT is proposing to merge the Equality Authority, the Irish Human Rights Commission and the office of the Data Protection Commissioner into a single agency, The Irish Timeshas learned The agencies are being consulted and will be…
Resource type: News
Gardai criticise HSE services after boy forced to stay in station
Source: Irish Independent
Original Source By Ralph Riegel, Tom Brady and Louise Hogan IRELAND faces an imminent tragedy involving vulnerable children because of the chronic shortage of 'out-of-hours' social worker resources. The warning came as the Health Service Executive (HSE) was heavily criticised by a powerful garda association…
Resource type: News
VHI warns of serious consequences for older people
Source: The Irish Times
Original Source by MARTIN WALL, Industry Correspondent INDUSTRY REACTION:THE VHI said the Supreme Court decision to strike down the risk equalisation scheme could have serious consequences for older and chronically ill people. The VHI's chief executive Jimmy Tolan said the company, which stood to receive…
Resource type: News
Barnardos calls for more funds for vulnerable children
Source: The Irish Times
Original Source KITTY HOLLAND CONTINUED INVESTMENT in services for vulnerable children is essential despite the economic downturn, one of the State's leading economists has said. Prof John Fitzgerald of the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) said early intervention in vulnerable children's lives was vital…
Resource type: News
Older & Bolder wins at the 2008 Awards for Excellence in Public Relations
The 15th annual Awards for Excellence in Public Relations was hosted by Mansion House (Dublin) on Thursday, 26th June 2008. There were 13 categories, of which Older & Bolder, an Atlantic grantee, won the category for Public Information, described as campaigns created to improve awareness…
Resource type: News
Ageism: As young as you feel
Source: Irish Independent
Original Source By Barbara Harding The upcoming 'Say No To Ageism' week from 19 to 23 May is an initiative that seeks to promote a new awareness of the stereotyping of older employees in the workplace. It also aims to support practical action by organisations…
Resource type: News
Caring when it counts
Source: Irish Independent (Supplement)
Original Source by Barbara Harding DEATH is a frightening subject that few of us like to think about, never mind discuss, but it comes to us all eventually and often in an unexpected manner. Ensuring our environment offers us grace, dignity and respect in our…
Resource type: News
More foster carers needed, says HSE
Source: Irish Examiner
by Conor KaneHUNDREDS of children could be given the chance to lead a normal family life if more people made themselves available as foster carers, according to the Health Service Executive. While 92% of the 5,300 children presently in the state's care are with foster…
Resource type: News