Cork University Foundation
Grants Awarded
Evaluation of the “Advancing Children’s Rights” Objective in RoI
2012 | $274,502 -
Centre in Clinical Gerontology & Rehabilitation
2006 | $3,107,288 -
Law Chair
2002 | $902,579 -
Land Purchase
2002 | $7,258,388 -
IT Building
2002 | $6,313,803 -
Postgraduate Research Library
2001 | $21,263 -
Nanoscience Project
2001 | $12,688,915 -
UCC Library
2001 | $12,054,245 -
Chair in Art History
2001 | $270,354 -
Indoor Sports Centre
2000 | $3,208,402 -
Environmental Research Institute
2000 | $5,657,797 -
St Vincent’s Residence
2000 | $940,100 -
Pilot Programme
2000 | $612,775 -
Academic Research
1999 | $32,534 -
Nanoscale Science and Technology Initiative Construction
1999 | $6,267,311 -
Development Office
2000 | $1,268,938 -
President’s Discretionary Fund
1999 | $398,700 -
Research Support
2000 | $158,494 -
Biosciences Institute
1999 | $5,937,726 -
Research Study
1999 | $87,129 -
Strategic Planning
1999 | $51,985 -
Institute for Nonlinear Science
1999 | $877,580 -
Sabbatical Support
1999 | $94,087 -
Chair in Food and Health
1998 | $743,812 -
Cancer Research Centre
1998 | $1,053,083 -
Cellular Physiology Research Unit
1998 | $931,426 -
Land Acquisition
1997 | $1,034,392 -
Third Sector Research
1997 | $8,742 -
Criminal Law Programme
1997 | $128,265 -
Environmental Development Plan
1998 | $4,268,823 -
Land Acquisition
1997 | $4,628,754 -
Research Professor
1997 | $202,508 -
Third Sector Research
1997 | $7,285 -
Core Support
1997 | $5,063 -
Travel Stipend
1997 | $9,547 -
Core Support
1997 | $157,666 -
Gender and Identity Research Study
1997 | $80,137 -
Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer
1997 | $101,992 -
Indoor Sports Centre
1997 | $4,443,923 -
Research Study
1996 | $18,216 -
Research Study
1996 | $7,161 -
1995 | $7,266 -
Pilot Action Research Project
1996 | $391,286 -
Research Study
1995 | $8,073 -
Bantry House Archive
1996 | $148,888 -
Early Education Research Project
1995 | $159,911 -
Research Planning Grant
1995 | $59,966 -
Programme Expansion
1995 | $3,379,790 -
Capital Equipment
1995 | $242,190 -
Research Studies
1994 | $59,743 -
Conference Support
1994 | $2,825 -
Funding Proposal
1994 | $36,428 -
President’s Research Fund
1993 | $358,289 -
Food Marketing Academic Exchange
1990 | $6,380 -
Education Support
1992 | $3,173 -
Faculty Development
1991 | $2,988
Cumulative Amount Awarded
(shown in $USD, based on conversion at the time of grant disbursement)
Aging Research, Effective Nonprofits & Philanthropy, Higher Education, University Research Across Ireland