Results List
Obama risks losing liberals with talk of cutting budget
Source: The Washington Post
By Zachary A. Goldfarb and Peter WallstenPresident Obama faces a growing rebellion on the left as he courts independent voters and Republicans with his vision for reducing the nation’s debt by cutting government spending and restraining the costs of federal health insurance programs.Key liberal groups,…
Resource type: News
Not Just a Numbers Game: Budget Cuts Threaten Those Already Struggling
Source: Gara LaMarche
“Oh, I really feel we’ve been led up the garden path…We are the people that worked. We put this country on its feet, and we’re the people that are being hit every which way.” - Diane, age 81, in Dublin, Ireland Across many of the geographies…
Resource type: News
Too Close for Comfort? Obama and the Foundations
Foundations should take a stance of engaged and critical discomfort with government no matter who is in charge, said Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, in this speech at the Hudson Institute-Betsy and Walter Stern Conference Center. I am always glad to take…
Resource type: Speech
Seething beneath the surface
Source: Mail & Guardian Online
University of the Witwatersrand is an Atlantic grantee. By Monako Dibetle and Mandy Rossouw. It has been 18 months since the violent xenophobic attacks broke out across the country. Monako Dibetle and Mandy Rossouw talked to foreigners from across Southern Africa, locals and experts and…
Resource type: News
Barbara Hogan paves a new path in SA
Source: SAPA
Original Source On World Aids Day, the British Government announced a donation of £15m (R231m) for the South African government's anti-HIV programme, in a vote of confidence for South Africa’s Minister of Health Barbara Hogan. In an interview with the BBC, Ivan Lewis, the UK’s…
Resource type: News
Taking Account of Race as a Philanthropic Imperative
Foundations must take account of race in all of their work in order to get beyond racism, said Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies President and CEO, in this speech at the Waldemar Nielsen Issue Forums in Philanthropy, Georgetown Public Policy Institute in Washington. You might…
Resource type: Speech
Some Reflections on Philanthropy and Government
Gara LaMarche, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies, gives the Keynote Address at the Annual Meeting of the United Neighborhood Houses in New York City. I appreciate the invitation to share some thoughts with the board and staff members of the settlement houses and other…
Resource type: Speech
Challenge the Boomers to Make a Difference
Source: The Chronicle on Philanthropy
By Marc Freedman Some people watching the presidential race say it's time for boomers to clear the room. And some leaders in the nonprofit world might agree. It is easy to understand the reaction. With nearly 10,000 people turning 60 each day, an army of…
Resource type: News
Impact, Legacy and Collaboration
Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, talks about his experiences of effective collaboration, how to make an impact and what it takes to leave a legacy in philanthropy in this speech to the New Mexico Regional Association of Grantmakers in Albuquerque. I have…
Resource type: Speech
Philanthropy’s Role in Ageing Issues
The Atlantic Philanthropies’ approach to funding in ageing, including its emphasis on advocacy, is outlined in this speech by Gara LaMarche, Atlantic’s President and CEO, at the Annual Meeting of Grantmakers in Aging in San Diego, California in November 2007. When I was asked a…
Resource type: Speech