Results List
Atlantic Philanthropies Announce Support for The New Bermuda Community Foundation
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
New Foundation Will Continue Growth of the Island’s Philanthropic Sector, Support Advances in Racial Justice, Democracy and HealthJanuary 30th, 2014 (Hamilton, Bermuda) – The Atlantic Philanthropies announced their support today for the Bermuda Community Foundation, a new public charity dedicated to grantmaking for nonprofit organisations throughout…
Resource type: News
It’s All Part of a Whole
Source: The Communications Network
By Gretchen DykstraGretchen DykstraThose who toil in the fields of communications know we often graze in the back pastures, far from the main barn, whistled for at the end of day. But we know that every organization and every program needs communications from morning till…
Resource type: News
C.S. Mott Foundation Partnership with Atlantic Philanthropies Gives South Africa’s Community Advice Offices Long-Term Support
Source: Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
FLINT, Mich. — Supporting the ongoing efforts of the community advice offices that assist underserved South Africans is the focus of a new partnership between the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and The Atlantic Philanthropies that is expected to result in up to $1,936,080 in grants over three…
Resource type: News
New public charity announced
Source: The Royal Gazette
By Ceoloa WilsonA new public charity dedicated to grant making for non-profit organisations was announced by the Atlantic Philanthropies today in support of the Bermuda Community Foundation (BCF).At a press conference held this morning Atlantic also announced a $6 million award to the new charity…
Resource type: News
Getting the Communication Plan Right From Day One
Source: Stacey Easterling, Programme Executive
Stacey Easterling is a Programme Executive for Ageing at The Atlantic Philanthropies. In 2007, The Atlantic Philanthropies began funding a national pilot in which success depended on engaging, and helping shift society’s perceptions of, people over age 60. This pilot needed to take hold in a range…
Resource type: News
Once Again a Senior, and Now What Are We Looking Forward To?
Source: Terry Kaelber, Community Experience Partnership
By Terry KaelberWednesday, August 21, is National Senior Citizens Day.Remember being a senior in high school or college? Figuring out what to do with our lives – identifying what was next – wasn’t easy. But there were resources available to help us understand and explore…
Resource type: News
Getting at the Root of the Problem
Atlantic's support in Bermuda has strengthened the capacity of the island's nonprofit sector by encouraging traditional nonprofits to become social advocates, developing nascent organisations into leaders and facilitating collaboration among organisations to advance shared agendas. With Atlantic's support, The Family Centre, among others, has become…
Resource type: Grantee Story
Harvest Time for The Atlantic Philanthropies – 2011-2012: Focus, Exit, and Legacy
Source: Tony Proscio, Duke University Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society
This report is the third in a series to chronicle the concluding years of The Atlantic Philanthropies, the largest foundation ever to decide to commit its entire endowment in a limited timeframe and then close its doors. It covers events that occurred from late 2010…
Resource type: Research Report
Trayvon Martin Ruling Should Unleash Nonprofit Action
Source: The Chronicle of Philanthropy
Joshua Trujillo/AP Images/SeattlePI.comBy Vince StehleThe senseless killing of Trayvon Martin and the not-guilty verdict handed down in the case against George Zimmerman send troubling signals about race, justice, and gun violence in America and give fresh urgency to an important agenda for nonprofits and foundations.America…
Resource type: News
Making the Most of Our Final Years – An Update
Source: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
We are now squarely on the trajectory that our founder, Chuck Feeney, and Atlantic’s Board of Directors established for us in 2002: to conclude all of our grantmaking by 2016. The objective was, and continues to be, to solve urgent and major problems – with…
Resource type: News