Results List
Enhancing Funders’ and Advocates’ Effectiveness: The Processes Shaping Collaborative Advocacy for Health System Accountability in South Africa
Source: The Foundation Review
This Foundation Review article, authored by by Barbara Klugman and Waasila Jassat, examines five Atlantic-supported advocacy efforts designed to improve access to quality health care for all South Africans and reduce health inequities across the country. [caption id="attachment_76646" align="aligncenter" width="650"] Atlantic supported five organizations that, individually and sometimes collaboratively, advocated…
Resource type: Research Report
Report - The Strong Field Framework: A Guide and Toolkit for Funders and Nonprofits Committed to Large-Scale Impact
Source: Philanthropy News Digest
Original Source The Bridgespan Group is an Atlantic grantee, as is the Aspen Institute, one of the examples given in the report. The Bridgespan Group has issued a new report designed to help foundations and nonprofits assess the strengths and needs in fields they seek…
Resource type: News
Webinar: How Funders Can Choose to Manage Advocacy Campaigns
Webinar Link On Tuesday, July 15, 2008, over eighty foundation officers and other interested parties participated in a Webinar discussion on the different management styles that funders can employ when supporting an advocacy campaign. The Webinar was presented by the Forum of Regional Associations of…
Resource type: News
Media Impact Funders
Resource type: Grantee
Wales Funders Forum
Resource type: Grantee
From Social Movement to Social Change: Philanthropy and School Discipline Reform
Source: Inside Philanthropy
By David Callahan What role does philanthropy play in social movements? It’s an interesting question, and there’s a long history of funder involvement in different movements—from civil rights in the 1960s to LGBT rights in the past decade. Just last week, I wrote about the role of…
Resource type: News
What Can Funders Learn From Atlantic's Work in Polarized Societies?
Source: Atlantic Archives
There’s no shortage of conflict and division in today’s society. The political polarization in the United States. The protracted war between Hamas and Israel in Gaza igniting a wider regional conflict. The violence, economic hardship, and climate change—deepening historic divisions, fueling inequality, and displacing millions.…
Resource type: News
Philanthropy can be made to measure
Source: Financial Times
By Gara LaMarche The philanthropic world, poked and prodded by a wave of new donors fresh from success in the business world, is grappling with the issue of evaluation. How do we know that grants or, as they are now often called, reflecting the influence…
Resource type: News
Making the Match: How Do We Use Matching Contingencies Effectively?
Source: GrantCraft
By Tasha Tucker and Ben Kerman Many philanthropic institutions require prospective or current grantees to match all or part of the value of a grant in order to secure funding. Foundations use matching contingencies to recruit funding partners, build grantee capacity to raise funds, replicate program…
Resource type: News
Building Capacity for Maximum Impact
Gara LaMarche delivers the Keynote Address at the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan New York Symposium: Baruch College School of Public Affairs. It’s a little odd that I should be standing here this morning to share some thoughts about the role of evaluation in foundations…
Resource type: Speech