Results List
Justice Delayed: An Examination of the Ken Burns Film Central Park Five
Source: A Philanthropy New York Special Event with Media Impact Funders
The story of the Central Park Five is one scarring New York history; a case of injustice for five teenagers of color being wrongly convicted of raping a Central Park jogger. This tragic story showcases many issues addressed by philanthropy for decades, including: race, class,…
Resource type: News
Philanthropy’s Role in Ageing Issues
The Atlantic Philanthropies’ approach to funding in ageing, including its emphasis on advocacy, is outlined in this speech by Gara LaMarche, Atlantic’s President and CEO, at the Annual Meeting of Grantmakers in Aging in San Diego, California in November 2007. When I was asked a…
Resource type: Speech
Influencing Policy at All Levels of Government
Source: Insight Magazine
By Gara LaMarcheNot too many years ago, it was a hard sell to convince most foundations that involvement in public policy, and particularly the support of advocacy, was an essential element of carrying out their philanthropic mission, whatever that happened to be. Many had concerns…
Resource type: News
The Local Impact of Global Philanthropy
Gara LaMarche, President and CEO of The Atlantic Philanthropies, participated on a panel of The Settlement Summit: Inclusion, Innovation, Impact. He shared his thoughts and six suggestions on the responsibility of American foundations when working abroad, which are also applicable to grantmaking in other places…
Resource type: Speech
Youth Networking spotlights shared learning
Source: Belfast Telegraph
A networking event in Belfast today will spotlight the very real differences young people are making in their communities. Hosted by Belfast actor Dan Gordon, the Impact of Youth event has been organised by five key independent funders - Big Lottery Fund, Rank Foundation, BBC…
Resource type: News
Gary Bass Featured in Philanthropy News Digest on the Support of Nonprofit Advocacy
Source: Philanthropy News Digest
Original Source 5 Questions for... Gary Bass, Founder and Executive Director, OMB Watch Founded in 1983 with the goal of lifting the veil of secrecy then shrouding the White House Office of Management and Budget, OMB Watch is a nonprofit research and advocacy organization that…
Resource type: News
Grappling with Big Picture Change
Source: The Forum for Youth Investment
The efforts of small-scale funders like family and community foundations in the United States to make systemwide change to improve the lives of children and youth are reviewed in this report by the Forum for Youth Investment. Youth Investment, a grantee of The Atlantic Philanthropies.…
Resource type: Research Report
School Discipline Reform and the Role of Atlantic Philanthropies
Source: The Chronicle of Social Change
By Kiersten Marek Atlantic Philanthropies’ work in the area of school discipline reform is a particularly striking example of how limited-life philanthropy can play a key role in social movements for children and youth. Atlantic Philanthropies has a large and diverse giving portfolio, covering the areas…
Resource type: News
Scanning the Skyline: Lessons From 30 Years of Capital Grantmaking
Source: Tony Proscio, Duke University Center for Strategic Philanthropy & Civil Society
Buildings have a special allure for philanthropy—their mass, their unambiguous reality, their durability, their promise of sheltering great transformative enterprise—that few other achievements can match. They also conjure a cloud of distinctive risks: the possibility of inadequate maintenance, financial drain, premature obsolescence, the danger that…
Resource type: News
Sit Down, Stand Up: Social Justice Philanthropy Revisited
Source: Philanthropy News Digest
by Christopher HarrisLast summer, Alliance magazine editor Caroline Hartnell asked me if I thought it would be good to write another special feature on philanthropy and social justice. As she put it, was there something new to say? While there is still much to do to increase…
Resource type: News