Results List
Foundation recovery likely slow
Source: Philanthropy Journal
Original Source The Foundation Center and the Council on Foundations are Atlantic grantees. by Ret Boney The injuries foundations sustained during the market downturns were severe, and it likely will be years before foundation giving is back on track, but funders have risen to the…
Resource type: News
The Global Financial Crisis and Philanthropy: Altering Course in a Perfect Storm
Source: Gara LaMarche
The roots of the global financial crisis, and the paths out of it, are matters for debate. But what no one disputes is that the landscape in which foundations like Atlantic are working has been dramatically altered, and likely will be for some time to…
Resource type: News
Impact, Legacy and Collaboration
Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, talks about his experiences of effective collaboration, how to make an impact and what it takes to leave a legacy in philanthropy in this speech to the New Mexico Regional Association of Grantmakers in Albuquerque. I have…
Resource type: Speech
Purpose Built: Knowledge and tools for people who fund, lead, and evaluate capital projects
Source: MASS Design
Capital projects often bring lasting benefits to nonprofit organizations and the people they serve. In the United States alone, foundations grant more than $3 billion per year to construct or improve buildings. To help these funders and their nonprofit partners make the most of capital…
Resource type: Case Study
Funding in Conflict-Affected Environments
Source: The Social Change Initiative
This guide explores how can funders can support activities and initiatives designed to end conflicts and promote peacebuilding. While many foundations are understandably wary about intervening in conflicts, Funding in Conflicted-Environments offers guidance on how to help mitigate some of those concerns. Included are the…
Resource type: Research Report
Beyond the Win: Pathways for Policy Implementation
Source: ORS Impact
When it comes to policy, most attention is focused on “the win.” But—as so many advocates know—“the win” is just the beginning. Once a policy has been “won,” it moves to the policy implementation phase, where there are innumerable new decisions to make as well…
Resource type: Research Report
NOT Spending Down: CEO Update
Source: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
Atlantic is not a “spend down” foundation, although we’re often described as such. Yes, we will complete all of our grantmaking by the end of 2016. The term “spending down,” however, suggests a slow, inexorable depletion of assets, resources and impact or perhaps a rushed…
Resource type: News
When Aims & Objectives Rhyme: How Two of Ireland’s Largest Foundations Found Common Ground
Source: Tony Proscio
A rare and successful collaboration between two foundations in the Republic of Ireland offers potential lessons to other funders, according to a case study by Tony Proscio. The report describes a fruitful partnership between The Atlantic Philanthropies and The One Foundation over many years despite…
Resource type: Case Study
Bermuda Civil Society Project: Analysis of Social Service Agencies
Source: Root Cause
This report aims to increase understanding of the gaps and overlaps in services being provided to address social issues in Bermuda. It is part of the Bermuda Civil Society Project (BCSP), an independent research and data analysis initiative designed to clarify how nonprofit agencies and other…
Resource type: Research Report
Moyers, LaMarche, Bhargava: Towards Progressive Reform
Bill Moyers Interviews Gara LaMarche and Deepak Bhargava: Working Towards Progressive Reform and Social Justice 19 October 2010 Nearly twenty-one months after the inauguration of Barack Obama, the social justice movement - and its funders - are at a crossroads. Is there still momentum for progressive reform, and…
Resource type: Video