Results List
Could Foundations Have Mounted a Better Defense of the ACA?
Source: Health Affairs Blog
By Michael Booth It came sometime after the “You lie!” outburst and the false claims of “death panels,” but before two potentially fatal US Supreme Court decisions and sixty-seven consecutive votes to repeal in the US House of Representatives. In hindsight, President Obama’s signing of…
Resource type: News
Risk with Vision: Placing Informed 'Big Bets'
Source: Resourcing Philanthropy
By Gillian Mitchell, Gabrielle Ritchie and Melanie Judge Philanthropy and risk are not natural bedfellows. For most of us philanthropy invokes an impression of measured resolution, gravity and thoughtfulness. Philanthropy makes considered interventions into areas of society that are not delivering on rights or opportunity…
Resource type: News
Philanthropy's Role in Promoting Positive Approaches to School Discipline
Source: American Educator
By Kavitha Mediratta Last year, at the beginning of ninth grade, my son's friend Emmanuel was suspended from school for bringing a brick to class. Emmanuel had found the brick in the schoolyard, and with the satirical wit of a 14-year-old, named it "Softie" and…
Resource type: News
Children’s Health Coverage: On the Road to 100 Percent?
Source: Georgetown Center for Children and Families
By Ben Kerman, The Atlantic Philanthropies The 2015 open enrollment period offers an opportunity to build on tremendous progress in bringing health coverage to more children and their families. An analysis of recent census data by Georgetown Center on Children and Families confirms that many…
Resource type: News
The Caring Majority: Dignity for Older Adults and Those Who Care for Them
Source: Maryann Jacob Macias, Associate Programme Executive at The Atlantic Philanthropies
[caption id="attachment_57521" align="alignright" width="183"] Maryann Jacob Macias, Atlantic's Associate Programme Executive in the United States.[/caption] All older adults have a right to quality care. Atlantic has a long history of supporting policies and standards to better address the needs of the growing population of older…
Resource type: News
Ending Well: Maximizing Lasting Impact
Source: Christopher G. Oechsli, President and CEO, The Atlantic Philanthropies
When we finally close our doors, The Atlantic Philanthropies will become the largest foundation ever to deliberately conclude grantmaking within the lifetime of its donor. We’re conscious of making every investment count – in Chuck Feeney’s words: to make the “highest and best use” of…
Resource type: News
Atlantic Welcomes Bruce Trachtenberg as Executive Producer and Editor
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
Will support the limited-life foundation’s efforts to share its legacy and lessons learnedThe Atlantic Philanthropies have announced the appointment of Bruce S. Trachtenberg as Executive Producer and Editor. An accomplished leader in philanthropic communications, Trachtenberg will help produce and disseminate Atlantic’s final phase print, video…
Resource type: News
The Corner Office, Non-Profit Edition: A Practitioner’s Thoughts on Social Justice Management
Social justice management should be both more humane and tougher, said Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, in this speech at the Yale School of Management. I was at first flattered when I heard that students here at the Yale School of Management…
Resource type: Speech
Sharing the Lessons of a Foundation Spend-Out
Source: onPhilanthropy
By: Susan Carey Dempsey The idea of spending down the resources of major philanthropic foundations has enthusiastic advocates, including founders who wish to make a difference in their own lifetimes, and activists who place a higher value on addressing current needs than preserving endowments in…
Resource type: News
Researchers Examine Foundation Expectations for Giving in 2009
Source: Philanthropy News Digest
Original Source The New York City-based Foundation Center has released a new research advisory that examines how foundations expect their 2009 giving to be affected by the economic downturn. The advisory, Grantmakers Describe the Impact of the Economic Crisis on Their Giving (4 pages, PDF), looks at…
Resource type: News