Results List
Donors should fund UK campaigning charities to create an impact
Foundations can make a lasting impact by funding United Kingdom charities to carry out social campaigns, such as lobbying, letter writing and protesting, according to this report by New Philanthropy Capital. London, UK – New Philanthropy Capital (NPC), the charity think tank, has today published Critical masses, a…
Resource type: News
Telling the Story About South Africa's Rural Poor
Source: Gara LaMarche
The transition from apartheid to the new South Africa is rightfully viewed as one of the major advances in human history toward equality and democracy. But as I have written here before, many problems still exist: the South African government became an object of ridicule,…
Resource type: News
Evaluation Spotlight: Staying After School in College
Source: YouthToday
Lessons from a university certificate program for after-school staff. 01 Oct 2008 by Erika Fitzpatrick In a mostly glowing initial review of a certificate program for after-school workers in New York City lies a dash of cold reality: the need for pathways of advancement for…
Resource type: News
Relationships: MetisNet and The Atlantic Philanthropies
Source: MetisNet
Original Source With a strategy focused on disadvantaged children, The Atlantic Philanthropies has partnered with MetisNet on a project surrounding the youth development field. On behalf of Atlantic, Chris Sturgis studied how to strengthen the field, identifying ways in which funders can work more effectively…
Resource type: News
Advocacy – Often the Most Direct Route to Social Change
Source: Gara LaMarche
Supporting advocates who work to persuade members of the U.S. Congress of the necessity of allocating more federal money for children’s health programmes... Backing public interest lawyers whose arguments convince the U.S. Supreme Court that capital punishment for youth is unconstitutional.... Convincing lawmakers to…
Resource type: News
Philanthropy 2.0
Source: Worth Magazine
Original Source A year ago, Jean and Steve Case's teenage daughter asked a question that inspired her parents to reassess their entire approach to philanthropy. Steve, one of the cofounders of AOL, had taken her- one of his five children-to mingle with Bill Clinton and…
Resource type: News
Talent in Philanthropy
Newspaper reporters, baseball pitching scouts, art dealers and movie studio casting agents all provide models for philanthropy to follow in finding and cultivating talented programme officers, said Gara LaMarche, The Atlantic Philanthropies’ President and CEO, in this speech to the Foundation Impact Research Group, Terry…
Resource type: Speech
Crisis of age requires cure
Source: FT Times
By Lauren Foster When Mark Lachs, an internist who specialises in the care of the elderly, looks into the not-so-distant future, he sees millions of retirees and not enough doctors. The baby boomers are moving through the belly of the beast and are coming out…
Resource type: News
Middle School in the U.S.: Too Often the Missing Link in the Chain of Student Success
Source: Gara LaMarche
The familiar sounds of the famous Mexican songs “Cielito Lindo” and “Los Machetes” filled the air last Wednesday morning at Orozco Community Academy in Chicago, as eighth grader Adan Ramirsez strummed his guitarron with fellow students in the school’s new Mariachi band before an invited…
Resource type: News
Atlantic’s Approach to Evaluation: What Is Important to Learn, and How Do We Put It to Use?
Source: Gara LaMarche
When I was named President of Atlantic last year, I doubt that a rousing chorus of cheers went up in the offices of the American Evaluation Association. Atlantic takes evaluation very seriously, but in my philanthropic and activist life before coming here, I didn’t have…
Resource type: News