Results List
Newsmakers: Richard Barth, Chief Executive Officer, KIPP Foundation
Source: Philanthropy News Digest
Original Source KIPP and Teach for America are Atlantic grantees. Richard Barth, Chief Executive Officer, KIPP Foundation The Obama administration has thrown down the gauntlet to educators and legislators to fix "an education system that used to be...the best in the world, and no longer…
Resource type: News
Funding Community Organizing: Social Change through Civic Participation
In this guide by GrantCraft, U.S. funders and organisers discuss what makes community organising effective, how to manage grantee relationships over time, understanding the value of process, and the grantmaker’s special role in fostering change. Grantmakers who fund community organizing say it’s the best option…
Resource type: News
Investing in Change: Why Supporting Advocacy Makes Sense for Foundations
Source: The Atlantic Philanthropies
This publication explores the experiences of a growing number of funders around the world that are committed to supporting advocacy as a strategy to advance social change. We are starting with this topic because funding advocacy too often is the philanthropic road not taken, yet…
Resource type: Research Report
Nonprofit Consulting Goes Upscale
Source: Youth Today
By Martha Nichols Boston It's a long way from the wood-paneled offices of consulting firms like Bain & Co. to the yard-sale decor of a youth-serving nonprofit. Yet the Bridgespan Group, a nonprofit consulting spinoff of Bain, is trying to connect those worlds. Only six…
Resource type: News
Foundation Exits: A Survey of Foundations and Nonprofits
Source: Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy at Grand Valley State University
Since the 1990s, philanthropy has seen a growing share of foundations embrace a limited life, setting a defined endpoint for their operations. More foundations are also funding time-limited strategic initiatives. While foundations use a variety of strategies to manage their exits, little has been known about…
Resource type: Research Report
Connecting Practice, Policy and Partners: Lessons for Advocacy Initiatives in Rural Health from the Rural Health Advocacy Project (RHAP)
Source: Dr. Waasila Jassat
This report discusses the impact of the Rural Health Advocacy Project (RHAP), a South African organization created in 2009 to advocate for the health care needs of people living in rural areas. Lessons from RHAP’s activities will be useful to both public health funders and…
Resource type: Research Report
Social Justice Journalism: Lessons from Health-e News
Source: Barbara Klugman
This report examines how quality advocacy journalism from Health-e News, a South African nonprofit news service focused on the country’s delivery of public health services, is helping advance the goal of achieving a healthy, equitable and just nation. Health-e News, which was founded in 1999, came to prominence…
Resource type: Research Report
Audacious Philanthropy
Source: Harvard Business Review
"Audacious philanthropy" can save lives. One example is The Atlantic Philanthropies' push for a helmet law in Viet Nam.
Resource type: News
The Atlantic Philanthropies and Its Archives: Limited Life, Enduring Legacy
Source: HistPhil
How does a foundation insure that its archive exists not simply as a static repository, but rather as a vibrant space that continues to “live” and be relevant, useful and influential?
Resource type: News
Working Together to Make a Difference
Source: Forbes
[caption id="attachment_79166" align="alignnone" width="700"] Source: iStock/lcswart[/caption] By William Foster, The Bridgespan Group South Africa has one of the most progressive constitutions in the world. But 20 years after its adoption, only 48 percent of its population is satisfied with the way South African democracy works.…
Resource type: News